Edited on Tue Jul-27-10 07:03 PM by HereSince1628
Everyone has their own experience and each has his/her own perceptions of said experience...
A month and a half ago, just before I got bad enough for in-patient care, the psychiatrist I was assigned to told me to get out of his medical center. That was the day I posted in this forum about being unhappy being told that"being here" was a good outcome for me, that post was made while I was upset, but not yet in full flame.
I'd seen him just 4 times, summing to less than an hour and fifteen minutes. I'll never see him again. I believe that he was trying to be clever and use a confrontational approach, to my lamentation that if things were progressing with my psychologist they were doing so a glacial pace and that the SSRI he had me on was making me careless/laxidasical (sp?) about my diabetes and heart-healthy diet, weight, exercise, etc.
In hindsight, I believe that he was messing with that technique because he adamently told me how I was thinking and feeling, even when I objected to his choice of adjectives and because it is a widely held assumption that psychiatric clinicians aren't capable of mind reading. Consequently, it's something that they almost never pretend to do and it's unusual when one of them does. I suppose he was trying to get me to object to his characterization and thereby admit I was getting something out of therapy.
Unfortunately, that episode triggered a constellation of my borderline problems. My response began with splitting him off into a deep personal adversary (a phenomenon that I know is a symptom of my borderline, but feelings are feelings and I doubt I'll invest energy to overcome that one--so I'll never have a session with him again), and my flare escalated the remainder of the day into aching sense of abandonment and in the evening turned into a bout of binge drinking for sedation and an end to that day's misery. All in all, my interaction with him initiated one of my worst days in 2009.
He was clever in associating my affect with an intervention, but probably too reckless by 3 or 4 times.