There was a time in my life when I'd back down from a challenge. In fact, I lived most of my life like that even for a long time after I got my symptoms under control. College getting too difficult? Fine, I'll just drop out. People at work giving me a hard time? I'll just get another job. Someone treating me bad? I'll just avoid that person. Asking the hard questions? I'll think about something else.
No more.
I own a semi rig now and this job is filled with challenges. Getting into the state of mind to deal with the challenges out here on the road also made me start taking a hard look at myself. I had to address those challenges in my mind, too. I had to take an honest look and deal with some things instead of brushing them aside and not thinking about them. When I started doing that I got angry. That was always down there in the basement of my mind and I kept it locked away instead of dealing with the issue and working through it. After all, that was a challenge.
Things are better now. It's been a couple of months since I had my meltdown in here, and I feel like things have changed. I'm actually becoming happy. :)