Edited on Tue Nov-23-10 08:41 PM by mopinko
so, i saw a shrink, and got some meds, and am hoping i can get a grip on this break-up stuff. hard hard. when the kids found out they told hubby that he had to just hang on, give me a chance to make sure my head is on straight, that i get through school, and that i get some good work. oh, and behave. he has been trying, stretching a little. but since everyone thinks the problems are that i am crazy, if i am not crazy everything will be fine. yeah, only if i have enough pills to share with everyone.
i think he is still looking for a condo, but if our kids go to school on the other side of town he wants to pick one up and sell it later. they are dirt cheap.
probably will start talking about a settlement after the holidays. see if we can behave ourselves. can hardly be worse that a few x-mases around here.
on a side note, i have been taking ambien for sleep for quite a while. the shrink asked if i had short term memory problems, which i have. no small part of my emotional state. well, few days without it, and i am seeing way, way less of that. i can still take it when i need it, but i can live without it most nights.
eta- middle child dumped on me in a big way the other day. she is planning to come thurs. oh goodie. i trolled around a little for somewhere else to be, but came up empty. may just end up taking a long ride in the car.