This is a video that is supposed to show someone with no mental illness,or different DX's what schizophrenia is like during a psychotic episode.I think they are doing a "generic" psychotic episode on the video for educational purposes. watching the video I noticed that I experience similar phenomena,in my life to someone with schizophrenia.I have even been misdiagnosed with schizophrenia,and the doses of anti-psychotics they gave me was enough to put a hose in a stupor.The medications did not help me. I still "heard voices" . Later after many medication failures and failed diagnosis I learned the stuff I hear is because I have many selves co- existing inside this one shared body,I sometimes hear the different people 'inside' talking with me,each other or whatever.Sometimes I am present to hear it or not,and it does not upset me like it did,because I know who and what they are.I have some internal communication within sometimes not. It can get hellish inside here when conflicts arise,and I feel punches on the body,and there are wars and pain..and flashbacks,nightmares and blackouts fugues etc..It has distinct differences from the psychosis,but it also shares some of the symptoms too.
So,anyone with schizophrenia, IYO is this video like a psychotic episode like someone with schizophrenia experiences?
Is it accurate for what it is imitating considering the medium? Or is it not accurate ,or are they doing a cheesy job of it?
I just found it fascinating how this take on the inner "experience" of schizophrenia, actually overlaps with my own experiences with c-PTSD and being a multiple/DID.I was kinda surprised. However symptoms like the TV "reading my thoughts" or talking to ME,personally, isn't there .The the voices I hear are INSIDE of my skull,but when I trigger I have visual,and other sensations that are not there,I hear abusers taunting and threatening me ,my body gets frozen, shrinks,shuts down ,or I get cuts,forget to eat or drink or the insomnia gets really bad and my dreams intrude upon wakefulness.Sometimes time becomes messed up as in I think it's years ago or I feel it is a different season like summer and when I open the curtain I see snow...and wonder why.
So,anyone else here have DID? If you are ok with it, do check out the video,yourselves. what I am curious about is,does it seem similar to your experiences within, too? or not? I want to hear people's thoughts on this and how they perceive the video in relation to their own experiences with their own mental states.