Edited on Sun Feb-27-11 09:17 PM by fizzgig
she took a bunch of excederine thursday night and locked herself in the bathroom. my fil was there and called the paramedics. she's in the hospital until probably tomorrow.
my husband has been blaming himself because he sent a cruddy email to her wednesday. she'd been upset that he doesn't call more often and he told her it's because he's too busy working two jobs so we can survive and some general anger about how they don't help us out.
this has made my husband, and his family, have to examine a lot of their shit and talk about it. they never talk about shit. ever.
he made some amends today and came to some realizations. he's had his own struggles with depression and i know it has a lot to do with some unresolved or even unrealized issues. i'm hoping this helps him open up.
i will say i'm very proud of how he's handling this. in the past, upsetting or stressful situations have made him lash out at me. not this time. he's directing his anger and frustration in the appropriate places. he's talking to me. he's telling me what he needs.
on top of it, i had a pretty fucked up day on friday and yesterday was completely exhausting chaos, so i'm feeling a bit like a bag of smashed assholes right now. my best friend is in town from germany (it's been 15 months since she's been home), but her dad just fell back off the wagon and she's having to deal with that.
so, we're trying to figure out a way for at least my husband to get out there (they're in virginia). his dad said he'd help with airfare, but it's doubtful we'll be able to afford for the both of us to go.
i should call my fil to see how he's doing and see if theirs any news. i'm too exhausted to do it, but i will, because i don't know that he has anyone to really talk to right now.
thank gods we both have tomorrow off.
eta: i'm doing fine, just exhausted. i'm a bit on autopilot, it's just a matter of me making sure i'm paying extra attention to the cues he's sending me and keeping my mouth shut. that's easier said than done for me sometimes, but i've done a good job of it so far.
it's an odd situation for me because i barely know his family. i've only met them once and i've spoken with my fil more in the last two days than in the three years my husband and i've been together. i'm trying share what insight i can, but i don't know them that well and don't know the boundaries.