I saw that on a bumper sticker the other day. I need one of those for my car. I think it's the coolest bumper sticker I've ever seen.
It sort of hints at a religious slogan, but I don't think you have to be a religious person to dig it. I'm not a religious person. I don't believe in hell as an afterlife sort of thing. I think hell is of this world and I think I've been there. Maybe some of you have been there or feel like you are there right now. As far as heaven goes, I think that of it does exist then we all go there.
I am in love for the first time in my life and I'm thinking that I'll be with her for the rest of my life. We are getting married in November. I think back to what a struggle the first 30 years of my life were and to a lesser extent the next 8 after that. All of that time I had no love in my life. I didn't know how to love. I didn't know how to let someone love me.
I wasn't a bad person, but there was something inside of me that wouldn't allow me to love. Deep down it was really what I wanted. I wanted someone to be with me and to be on my side. But I had to walk through hell to get there. And I did, yes I did...and you can, too.
The biggest problem I had after I started to get the treatment I needed was that of self-loathing. I had a lot of shame and regret to deal with. Things got better with the more distance I put between myself and the hellish experience of my 20s, but I couldn't quite get that self-loathing thing kicked. Then I met my love and things changed.
What the mental health professionals couldn't quite fix, love did. Not only do I have someone to be on my side, I also feel better about myself. The self-loathing is gone. I've also found that I treat others in a kinder way. My personal love radiates around me and out to others. I think we all have that within ourselves, it's just a question of finding it.