...might pertain to Depersonalization Disorder...maybe? Here is a link about it:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depersonalization_disorderI recently read that DD is the third most common mental illness, right behind depression & anxiety, which surprises me a bit.
What I find odd is that to the the casual 'onlooker' a person going through this appears as if they might be taking themselves too seriously...when in actuality, the person experiencing this is doing just the opposite in not taking their feelings seriously enough!
No short cuts in getting in touch with our feelings...and you can analyze and think about them to kingdom come and try to detach all you want - no dice.
I read this recently: Feel - Deal - Heal. I think that sums it up nicely.
So far as the Buddhist practice of non-detachment and the relinquishing of ego etc... is concerned, I have struggled with this for many years and I eventually came to the conclusion that this is all well and good IF you have a healthy ego to begin with and I can see some benefits along those lines...but if you don't - then trying to follow this particular path can be confusing and counter-productive, I feel, because one of the main road blocks to attaining a healthy ego imo, more often than not lies (in large part) to repressed anger and other *shadow* feelings not readily accepted - and even frowned upon in many ways, in our society...hence, to ourselves as an extension/reflection of this society.
I also think - bottom line - it just may be a matter of (finally) giving ourselves the permission to feel whatever it is we need to feel and process it. To trust and validate oursleves....to ourselves.
Don't think that there is any way around it...and believe me - I've looked! :-)
Be well!