It's a combination of things - a head cold, low blood sugar because I had to miss lunch today - but mostly it's bone-crushing loneliness. I haven't had sex for five years, haven't even gone on a successful date in all that time. I was left 5 years ago by my long-time lover, while I was going through PTSD after working Hurricane Katrina humanitarian relief, left for a woman 15 years my junior, and lied to by said ex for a year because he felt too guilty to tell me the truth. Every man I ask out is either already seeing someone or I'm "too old" - even though they have all been within 3 years of my age (47). I'm not hideous, I've kept myself in good physical shape and I don't normally run around moping, but today has been rough.
Then there's the impending homelessness. I work two jobs, but one job ends at the end of this month which means I'll lose 1/3 of my income, which means I won't have the money to stay where I'm living. But I have no money to move, either. Not to mention I've moved 11 times in as many years for all kinds of reasons (landlords want to rent to friends, student housing issues, etc.). So I'm a bit stressed out about that, too.
Anyway, feeling very low right now. Not quite suicidal - thank God for having a wonderful dog I have to care for! - but it's crossed my mind. I'm just so very tired of not having any physical comfort, no one to hug, nothing to look forward to when I get home. No one to cook for, no one to laugh with, no one to cry with, that's for damn sure. Was set off today by a co-worker telling how he lost his wife to cancer 5 years ago, how broken up he still is about it, but he's been with someone else for four years now. I just don't understand why it seems so much easier for men to bounce back from these things, to find at least physical comfort, than it is for me. And I don't understand why I seem so frickin' undesirable to the opposite sex.
Anyway, just had to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening.