Anyone else scared of the future? Not the fact it's unwritten...per se..
I am scared because of the new evil weapons being made to use on "rioters and protesters".I'm scared because Bush and his neocon thug buddies are truly without character,shame or morals and our country is being messed up by them. The public is being manipulated emotionally by right wing fascists who love to demonize people who are disabled,poor,different,and who would be content if they were not harassed, to live and let live. A bully can't stand not being in control,and dominating.
I don't want things in this country to go to shit. But I fear that's exactly where things will go unless people stand up and restrain or stop these fuck heads trying to dominate everything. Maybe it's unstoppable,because when Carter made his career destroying speech that America needs to curb it's oil consumption and conserve resources,we didn't listen ,no we went right on consuming like the world could always put out,we elected a re thug instead.So maybe the coming hell is the result of our own greed and unwillingness to change from our lifestyles 30 or so years ago.
In reality I can't afford to hop on a plane and escape the coming hell and go to Sweden and live my last years in peace,besides I fear no country would want me in.. I have no impressive resume to convince them I'd be a profitable investment.Artists are a dime a dozen.
If they "lock me up"and try to force me to work in a work camp because that is what they need for the "war"..citizens to do,free labor... I know I will not be working at all for them,so how much abuse would I have to endure,If I was caught, stuck in some neocon prison camp...? How much suffering for being a "non productive" anti 'murican, crazy,freak,gay weirdo heathen..? They will try to "break me"..Shrinks have tried this on me before,(didn't work)And I know some self righteous neocon trash would get jollies trying it too.
I can't afford to spend money to prepare for lean times (shelter,solar cells,etc.) when the shit hits the fan. I'll be in a bad place,and considering SSI is my income,well I'll be out on the street if it gets cut ,starving with plenty of other people trying to avoid the "pain rays".Who are hurt every time they try to say no or organize or escape the borders closed tight against emigration...
I am different,I'm not one to "blend in" and also I am trans gender and tattooed (my way of adoring myself is one of the few things that make me feel happy)so what evil torture will these psychopath neocons do to me to bully me,to 'break me' because I represent an archetypal hated thing to them in their twisted little minds?
These people in the Whitehorse are sick,perverted, dangerous and have way too much power and control over media,religion,emotions,money, law..ect.. We all know that is the issue and still no one does anything about it really. No one is standing up and fighting them. It's all words,for as far as I can tell. And talk is cheap. The Gannon story gets blown off and buried just as fast as the Abu Gharib scandal and no one cares.. Why are liberals so afraid to be radical in the face of radical evil posing as "good"?
We all know the right wing HAS no morality whatsoever. Right wingers can be hypocrites and not give a shit about it because they have no character to maintain or shame that would humiliate them.They don't care what dirt about them is dug up because they have no shame-they're sociopaths and they are dominating and it seems they are in such control over their minions they can in effect say,so who cares about P.R..The right wing hate minions are loyal,deluded,vengeful,immoral,bullies and irrational, so they are ready to attack if we tell them too,that is why they like bush to begin with,they are allowed to kick ass and are praised for it.
So while these pigs feed upon us and incite hate day after day and we passively take it,(got kids to feed mortgages to pay) I observe the whole nation seems disconnected,in denial or just overloaded,content to just bitch about it on line without risking their ass or their job or their lifestyle.Sometimes a few liberals get gutsy and do things..the Dem's whimper a weak voice of protest than VOTE in exactly what chimp wants.All that seems to do is reassure these assholes American senators and liberal citizens are no threat to the neocon thugs dreams of empire and vengeance and their sick, sadistic, self-serving domination and wars will go uninterrupted and right on the PNAC schedule.
It scares me that NO one- NO body- really is bold enough to stand up stand out and be honest about the direness of this ,they don't stand up to the neocons face to face,in person and say enough is enough like they mean it. Everyone seems comprimised..weak,ineffective,scared,handicapped by the notion that fighting back equals an immoral character.
I am scared that no one will be there, for me,for people like me,and the people who not like me. Too many good Germans welcoming fascism with this refusal to stand against fascists in America.
All it takes for evil to win is for good people to stand there and DO nothing.We talk on line,we talk among like minded people,we see liberal stuff on C-Span,and we carry signs and yell , yet we still back down when the bar is raised and more of our social safety net is stolen or a few more rights are chipped away...How is any of this stuff liberals are doing now a threat to corrupt entrenched bully power that has no morality, no heart, and no intellectual honesty.
The bullies want us to obey their will.. and they are succeeding in doing that by all appearances.We go to work pay them tax,we don't make life difficult for them. The re thugs want obeisance, so we will suffer if we resist?..They'll keep on inflicting pain on us until we find our own inner will to fight them or we become their suffering servants bound by chains of agony to their evil agendas.
I myself will kill myself rather than serve a tyrant if I can't get rid of the tyrant somehow. And frankly I haven't a clue how.