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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Health & Disability » Mental Health Support Group Donate to DU
undergroundpanther Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-11 11:27 PM
Original message
Hello y'all
I'm back. But I got issues I'm still contending with.
I just got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & slow thyroid,on top of my psych issues and the post herpatic neuropathy and bone issues..Just started taking Lyrica and T3. God dammit I can't fucking THINK now.I was making some rice pudding tonight because the fridge is looking bare and it would be tasty & last a few days until we are able to pay for food... So I made the custard first,I stirred and stirred the mixture but it never thickened, by time it boiled,I figured it out why it failed .I forgot the 1/3 cup of flour!!
Wasted a few eggs,some milk,and fuckit!

And I can't get up in the morning,and I sleep ALOT now.I'm foggy alot if it isn't dissociation it's fibro. I used to sleep for 4 hours a night and was fine.Not anymore.My daily functioning levels have taken a hit.I don't have endurance.
The pain is easing up but my right side is showing signs of weakening,
the muscle tone isn't as defined as my left arm.Fuck! How bad is all this shit going to get??!

I dread the day when my body cannot function. I have no one.I guess I'll be sent to some institution and will never be seen again.
I'm not saying it out of self pity,it is what my situation may very well become,and it's scary,pisses me off and I feel sad.

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HereSince1628 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-11 10:56 AM
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1. Obligatory advice to mention this to the prescriber...
Edited on Thu Sep-01-11 10:57 AM by HereSince1628
memory problems associated with Lyrica are a known side-effect and the prescriber may have an idea about managing this symptom.

A comment...When my anxiety is high and my sleep loss spikes, I get bouts of amnesia. Sometimes it's only a few minutes; sometimes it's bigger chunks of time. When I woke up in bed at 5 am and the last thing I remembered happened late afternoon the previous day I was troubled, I didn't remember making supper, or conversations in the evening, or going to bed. But I had apparently functioned quite normally. When I experienced the sensation of suddenly gaining full awareness of my circumstance while I was driving it _really_ frightened me.

Bottom line...I think it's perfectly understandable that you find memory loss scary, because it is. Very.

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