Edited on Thu Nov-03-11 12:54 AM by undergroundpanther
Today,I met with the child protective services awhile ago .My therapist told me there was no statute of limitations,against the putrid shit monster,pedophile pig that ruined my life.So I gave them the information I had.The FBI was searching for him years ago,so I suspect I wasn't the only kid he harmed
Today the officers stopped by my house, they showed me pictures.I looked at them, ran inside to get a picture of his kid and I(kid is innocent),because I wanted no doubt,and which one it was was crystal clear..and now they can track this disgusting monster down. I hope he is still alive,So I can tell him what a putrid unworthy to live,to breathe to exist to his evil face! As he gets hauled to prison.I hope some prisoner who is condemned for life gives him a slow perverted agonizing death,it is what he deserves.All pedophiles and psychopaths high functioning or low all belong in a grave,there they cannot hurt anyone else again,there is no parole,no half sentences for 'good behavior', no abused wives,husbands or kids can be secure the evil does not get out to retaliate.I think the only thing that can stop these terrible monsters from killing hurting,raping,torturing kids or adults is to put them in a grave where they are unable to harm anyone again..ever.I don't waste my pity on those who prey upon the small and vulnerable.I feel sympathy for the victims for they had no choice.The perpetrator had a choice,he chose to harm me,and because he chose to harm me,I was a kid, I was terrorized by him and believed he would kill everything I loved if I told,I had no choice.
Do not pity perpetrators because in a crime the criminals make choices,not the victims of the criminals.
My vindication has just moved closer, Now, I feel a mixture of joy,anger,anxiety, knowing that there might be justice for me,finally.