Edited on Mon Dec-05-11 06:28 PM by HereSince1628
Of course, at the moment, I'm really affectively challenged, but I've got a personality disorder...that doesn't make me too stupid to know things have gone worse.
I went for an interview for the job through Incentive Therapy. It paid $1.50 an hour, really. just less than 1/4 minimum wage. But, it went OK. I got to carry on a conversation with educated professional people about how I would approach data mining that could help them with administrative reporst needed for their unit. For a short time it was almost like using my PhD.
But then the glitch... because The people administering THE PROGRAM have stereotyped its participants exactly the same way I do: they are miscreants.
And, although I am not a rehab-ing substance abuser or a person on parole for some legal mishap, I can’t be separated from that class of folks. Previous employment with the State as an epidemiologist, decades of working with student records, and having had a Top Secret/Crypto access clearance while in the military mean nothing.
Consequently, There is a program policy that precludes me from the possibility of seeing other peoples' personal information on their medical records. And so...after raised hopes of a way to spend my days using my education...n.o.p.e. again this time not because the people didn't want me, but because the folks 'trying to help me' won't let me. After the meeting, the program assistant's and my caseworker's converstation turned to addressing their need to get me assigned to "a job' and notions like having me sit and watch a waiting room or the VA bowling alley, or ‘whatever positions are leftover.’
So, I know it’s not like this was intentionally punitive, or even particularly personal in an intentional way. Even if it's personally painful. It was just a period of thought diversion manipulated by the well intentioned cheerleaders, abruptly followed by a stark reminder of all I’ve lain waste and the heap of detritus I've become.
Just an affective rediscovery of what remains radically unaccepted.