Going to that place where I go when I feel like my life is spinning out of control. When I feel as if everything is falling apart and there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t want to go there. I hate it. I fear it. It’s a dark place, and cold. And it’s very, very lonely.
Understand that I’m not looking for solutions to my problems. Some of them, like the situation with my son, have been going on for years and I’ve traveled every possible avenue looking for a solution. That particular situation has to be left to time. The more recent events, too, require time. Waiting. I’m not good at waiting. Waiting means more time spent being unsure. Unsure doesn’t work well with me. I don’t have the coping mechanisms to handle unsure. It makes me uneasy, which causes me to slip. I’m slipping and I don’t like it.
So I’m not looking for solutions. I just need to get it out and share it with someone who understands what it feels like to enter that dark corridor. Who knows how frightening it really is to feel like you’re losing your sanity. I need to let a little bit of this crap out so there’s more room for more crap which is a depressing thought right there.
I have a 17 year old son who I’ve seen once in 6 ½ years. He lives with his father 3000 miles away and his father won’t let him visit me.
I can’t afford to visit him there because I pay his father over $600 a month for child support. I pay that much because the court uses a formula that takes into account how much you pay for housing and how often you see the child. Because I do not see the child, I pay the maximum which means I can’t ever afford to see the child. Catch-22.
I can’t afford a lawyer to pursue this in the courts for the same reason.
So I wait. I write to him regularly and hope that when he comes of age, he will decide he wants to see me.
Last year, I was out of work for almost a full year because I had surgery to repair my neck. I thought when I got back to work, I’d be good to go for a while. I returned to work in January. Almost immediately, I began having problems – pain in my pelvic area. My doctor discovered a “pelvic mass” – I still don’t know what it is. I get the results of the biopsy this week. Another thing that I just have to wait on. It has cost me some time at work and so consequently some money which I cannot afford.
Last Sunday, my back went out on me. I’ve missed nearly a week of work. I had it x-rayed the other day but I have to wait for the results of that and I have to wait for it to get better. If it is going to get better – it is not significantly better than it was a week ago. I need my back. My back is my livelihood. I run a wine and liquor department at a grocery store – I need to be strong.
So I wait.
I’m worried about my health, I’m worried about finances. I’m worried about my job. And always, under everything, is the pain I feel about my son. Until now, I’ve done well mentally. But now I feel myself starting to slip. And that, of course, is the other thing I worry about. Going mad. Losing my mind. Going back to that place which I fear more than anything. Ironic. The more I worry about it, the more likely I will end up there.
Not looking for answers. Just need to let it out.
Thanks for listening.