Melodybe (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-21-05 01:53 AM
Original message
Congress has already passed leg. to drug YOUR kids, here is the downlow
Edited on Tue Jun-21-05 02:01 AM by Melodybe
One of the petitions I have on my table is a petition in support for HR181, the Let Parents Raise Their Kids Act, written by Republican Representative Ron Paul. This is a big deal, ever read Brave New World? Well, that is what this legislation is all about. Tucked away in the Omnibus Spending Bill in December millions of dollars we allocated for the implementation of this program. This has ALREADY passed, thanks to the lobbyists of big pharmaceuticals our tax dollars are being spent to screen children for mental illness, once diagnosed they are required to take the medications prescribed to them. Their parents have NO say in this! They are NOT allowed to get a second opinion. If the parents argue or refuse to put their children on the meds, they could face parental neglect charges. I have called and written numerous emails to many in the corporate "news" media, that was months ago. Since you probably haven't heard about it, you can see how well they covered it.
Remember a time where every other commercial on television wasn't an ad for some miracle pill you should ask your doctor about? Well, when they made advertising prescription drugs legal this is the effect, NONE of the major "news" outlets will touch it, else they loose the BILLIONS of dollars they make every year in advertising.
Here is a link to a great explanation of the program and it's first lawsuit: is a link to everyone in the corporate, we're fine with the government drugging your kids, cause mine are in private school, whores:, I beg you send this to everyone you know. Write a letter to the editor, write an e-mail to the corporate whores that refuse to cover it.
Thanks a lot,
Melody know that medication helps many of us in this group, but this does sound like a freebie to the pharmaceutical companies. I am steaming. There was an article posted before about this, from Mother Jones. I guess this is a program that was called TMAP in texas, and PennMap in Pennsylvania. I read the whole article... parents aren't allowed to be involved in the process of having their children screened, and if the child/parents refuse the meds, the state can come and take the child from them. :grr:
Edited to add link to the thread created by
Sun Apr-24-05 10:18 AM
Original message
New freedom commission already locking people up.
Edited on Mon Apr-25-05 08:47 AM by Skinner
The below superb article in the new _Mother Jones_
May/June 2005 issue ***EXPLODES*** the controversy
of psychiatric drugging of USA kids! Read how drug
companies are manipulating President Bush and state
officials to push drugs using "screening programs."
Did you know President Bush is calling for screening
*every* child and even every *ADULT* in the USA with
the drug company screening programs exposed below?
Are you next?