I know, reality is debatable.
From my experience reality has no real fixed interpretation other than what most people agree it is. I mean most people have agreed a double yellow line on a road means no passing..So you see a double yellow line you do not swerve into oncoming traffic lanes even when it's 3 am and there are no cars for miles and you haven't seen any for a half hour..
I think a small amount of self-deception is ok, but past that fuzzy line is the risk of denying important realities that will affect one long term.
That too has a funny consequence if you think on it.
I have read in psych books that people that feel a kinda dysthymia depression tend to see things more as they really are...I gotta ask this :If seeing things as they really are and not how everyone wants or "agrees " to see it means a low level depression..what does it say about the way things*are*? A family can pretend all is hunky dory and omit the idea that the drunk in the house is a tyrant and abuse never happened etc. And a person by will of denial and pressure to conform to the agreed upon lies will suppress the truth.that their home life sucked..and still the truth comes out in other ways dissociation,bodily/health problems like ulcers or something called an 'asset' in our culture like,a drive to be popular, an overweening ambition.Or it seeps out after the person is AWAY from the people that reinforced the agreed upon denial or lie about reality..Hence a kind of"culture shock".
I wonder if all of us here were all of a sudden dropped off into a new culture.. A dramatic difference,like a primitive rain forest tribe..I wonder would we all look insane to them? We might as well be..as we rambled on about cars computers and all the stuff we knew was real to us and could not hunt,or build a hut or even eat the right fruits..
Everyone has the choice of how much they want to conform to society. Some reject it completely and either live away from others or just "deal with" the consequences. Others go to the opposite extreme and end up empty and superficial. Both extremes have advantages. Take your pick. Or one can conform somewhat but rebel in small ways that preserves your uniqueness. Over conformity definitely stunts growth and tends to produce symptoms.
Agreed..but than again I see people waffle between conforming when the stress gets too much and rebelling when the conformity gets too stifling..Think Robert Jay Lifton's Protean mind book....
Environmental toxins are real and do affect one's brain chemistry. It's just easier for the psychiatrists to ignore them. Frankly, most clients I've met are more worried about other concerns, with all due respect.
Well It's hard to face up to chemicals especially when we are taught we can't fight back,that corporations are invulnerable. I have to wonder who in the hell would call mercury based amalgam in your teeth bathed in acids and sometimes even hydrochloric acid(if you ever get sick) is sane? Mercury is what made mad hatters go mad you know.. And everyday the Mercury leaches into us from our teeth. Is is sane or not sane to deliberately put mercury in your mouth? Is it sane or not sane to put Thimerosol in vaccines? This shit all adds up to the toxin loads on your body.PCB's and fake hormones in plastics,Heavy metals,exitotoxins,allergic responses.. And if it messes up the body it messes up the brain too.
I went for inhalant allergy tests,and they gave me like 300 needles in my arms to test for what I was allergic to. I had a severe reactions to roach poop,I flew into a rage. Elm tree pollen and lambs quarters made me suicidal and twitchy.I kid you not.Both times I had to be given antidote after a few minutes because I was in danger of hurting myself or someone else.It all was rather jaw dropping and dramatic.And I was not in control of it.It freaked me out too.The allergen doc said this sometimes happens to patients.And people get emotional freak outs based on allergens.
In my 20 years in the mental health profession (all on the East coast of the USA, admittedly), very very few people are concerned about larger issues beyond themselves and their families.
Could that be a SYMPTOM of our cultural sickness? The SANITY sickness? The Normal illness?
99.99% of my clients just want to feel better and to get the hell out of therapy. I've heard and read that on the West coast and in large cities, such as NYC and LA, that more clients want to explore those issues. You cannot "force" a client that is paying up to $400 an hour (in some areas) to address issues beyond themselves and their immediate families. Sad but true.
And couldn't that be why therapy fails so often?Fails the individual and society and it fails at improving the agreements we make as a society that make up what any given population says is"reality". Wouldn't you say this self concerned bubble is a bit well,sociopath?A bit of the real problem of why NOTHING ever gets better?
I think the cutback in mental health funding, the stigma against openly addressing MH issues, and the overall pathology and alienation in our society produce symptoms in clients.
Yep and letting them hide in their bubbles and be cowards isn't helping anyone.
Again, being a pragmatist, the client sitting in front of you usually isn't too worried about societal alienation and just wants to feel better.
Yep and also getting them out of their own heads can help them too. If they can afford to pay 400 bucks a session they are not doing all that bad,they might be stressed and it might be because they do not see death,failure and the need to move out of themselves. Some people on the other hand might really be suffering too.
It's up to lobbying groups and other social groups to address the other issues.
And what are lobbying groups made of ? People people with Normal illness in their little bubbles throwing money at a problem and schmoozing in washington rather than getting their hands dirty..
A huge issue in this country is the lack of healthy spirituality or at the bare minimum having a healthy set of secular values.
Spirituality or secular human values cannot fix a person who does not question a society that is so normal and in such sane agreement on rewarding the socialized sociopaths among us and the selfishness in us rather than the human spirit and empathic heart that cries out for the want of giving.
Again, you cannot force clients to address spiritual issues. They will leave therapy if you "make them" too uncomfortable. Harsh realities. Than let them go.Let them fall,let them skin their ass. Reality and the unconscious has a way of waking up cowards.
And if you really wanna get radical...
Think of all the bullshit going on in Washington... the corruption the lies,the war,the propaganda,the games, religion and corporations out of control,all the psy-ops and criminality sexual abuse,...Could it be we as a species are calling forth our own social shadow side to skin our ass and pop the bubbles we mistakenly agreed were so damn important so we can find our hearts and each other again? Could it take the collapse of civilization as we know it and a dire threat to our very survival and the survival of the earth itself to get us to give a shit? Is planetary anthro-suicide really just a cry to get out of this cage? This cage none of us asked to be born into,but were, and were from birth coerced to agree with the very things that bind us here in misery and self deception?
I am beginning to think this may be so.