Alternate titles:
- I hate this Universe. Can I go home now?
- It's either post here or kill myself
- I hate my life - wanna trade?
I apologize in advance for the typing. I wanna get this all down and maybe I"ll edit later.
I've jsut kidn of readched the end of my tether. It's been a long weekend here and it's just one stupdity after another. For a summary, read some of my other threads, but here's a few examples.
No, I don't wanna play "why don't you ya but".
Somebody got into my garage and stole two of my kids bicycles - AGAIN. (partially my fault, I left the side door open)
My partner has adopted this down-and-out-of-luck person who I can't stand - the last time I had vibes like these about this person was the last time we got broken into. He's managed to get himself kicked out of the Y, where he was living, which I understand is just about impossible.
NOrmally my bipolar swings are three days up, three days down in sort of a sinewave pattern. I've been down for six days and counting. Today I guess I'm on a manic swing because I was up all night but it's hardly a normal swing. I'm still depressed, it's just like I want to start smashing things.
I bought something used and I can't get it to work. I also can't find parts for it.
My son is wacko, won't reliably take his meds that stop him from being wacko and can't see (when he's wacko) that he's the one with an altered reality (yes, I've explained it over and over). He's on a manic swing from hell and nobody believes me that he's bipolar.
My partner's on a bazillion different meds (pain management etc) and spends a lot of his time passed out. Problem is, he doesn't understand how much he's sleeping and doesn't believe you when you wake him up and tell him he's been asleep. If you confront him with the evidence he gets all hostile. Just when I'm ready to get fed up, he suddenly goes wild and cleans up the house.
I don't think my meds are helping me. My obsessive/compulsiveness is completely out of control. I've picked my face raw. I've been pacing. I've buried myself in my books. My mood swings are way outside of normal. The only thing I'm NOT doing is screaming at people like I did when I was off my meds. I guess I feel better than then, I don't know. I can't tell. YOu can't tell from inside the situation.
I"m btroke. I'm always broke. Everybody in the household is constantly whining at me for money. Nobody can udnerstand taht there just isn't any. Occasionaly on a manic swing I'll actually give them a bit for a treat and then their on my case ove rand voer and over for the next week for more. I show them the 0 bank balance, I show them my empty awllet and 30 mintges later they're at it again.
NOthing makes any sense anymore. Nothign works anhymore. Everything's just all fscked up[ all the tim e and I'm tired of it.