mostly, my week of "vacationing" with my 2 crazy loved ones could have been worse. we both got a lot of sleep. so that helped my through the tension of making plans with someone who gets bent out of shape by plans. i slowly undid the damage of people telling him that i was crazy, which scared the shit out of him. but yesterday it all got to me. and i blew my cool. we went to our usual, much loved 4th of july picnic at a long time friends house. a cool bunch of people that we see once a year. it was so hard for me. this is so lonely. i made the mistake of telling my "best friend" about what was happening. i told her not to say anything to him, and i told her why. but the 2 minute version of this long story always sounds crazy. sigh. he was fine there, because i stayed out of the way, and was careful what i talked about in front of him. no stress, no decision, no panic, he's fine. me. on the other hand, well, it just got to me. not only couldn't i talk about what was happening with us, because i promised him i wouldn't. but when i talked about how i was feeling so much better, and how amazing it fixing your sleep is, or about anything that is happening in this country, both he and my friend seemed to twitch. i was tired, and overwhelmed. and lonely. among friends. i snuck off and had a cry, but then i just had to go to bed, and skip the late night campfire thing. so my friend sat down next to him, and said, i am so worried about mo, she thinks you are crazy. so she got an earful of his delusions. and of course, i couldn't really hide the stress. the last straw was when i told her that the conversation she had just had with my daughter, who is bp, was a fantasy. they do not see her often, either, and have no idea. so she decided to sit me down to discuss "my mental state" she was extremely condescending, and when i tried to tell her that i was tired of this conversation, and did not feel i had to answer to her, the excrement sorta hit the oscillator. i got pissed, and decided it was time to go home. fubar. i think i need some time to myself. i need to shake up my calendar, and find at least a few days to get away from all this. i think things are settled enough that i do not have to worry about my kids. he is feeling a lot better, but it is a measure of how burnt up his brain was that after 15 nights out of 22 sleeping like a baby, (10 hours most nights last week.) he still does not even see what he is doing. time, time, time. always speeds when you want it to zoom, and drags when you want it to fly.