I take adderall for ADHD. Years ago it was ritalin. I got diagnosed with ADHD in the 70's when ritalin was the drug of choice.
I have taken meds for ADHD off and on for a long time..
Recently I was switched to Adderall XR and I hated it.. I find the XR sucks. I got side effects on it,I got sweaty anxiety hot flashes and heart fluttering.And it made my insomnia worse.I already got a reversed circadian rhythm.Had it all my life. Strong sunlight puts me OUT. It's weird.
Anyways I convinced my doc to put me back on regular adderall, last month..he now has me taking 10 mgs twice a day.Pain in the ass taking it 2 times a day.And taking it twice made me get side effects. I find if I take the two of the 10 mgs of regular adderall in the morning like before he started fucking off with the XR everything is fine.I am lucky if I remember to take the damn meds consistently everyday.I end up skipping days pretty often,like 2 or 3 times a week...I got my phone alarm set to remind myself but sometimes I don't take it because I tell myself I'll get around to it later than next thing I know it's too late to take it for the day. Is it common for ADHD people to forget to take their meds?
My doc seemed to disbelieve me when I said I get more side effects with XR than I do with regular. I never got hot or fluttery stuff with the normal adderall. And my sleep is a little better now back on the regular adderall at least I get some deep rest for awhile. Does anyone know why he was he so reluctant to take me off the XR? Does XR somehow have something more in it than adderall in extended release? Do other people find the XR sucks for them too? Or is it just me?I think the regular adderall and the XR are different in how they work for me. The regular adderall is sufficient to get rid of distractions and all.The XR worked like the regular did for about a month,than it lost it's effectiveness and I found myself unable to do too many things at once and getting really pissy over nothing and the ADHD became a problem.
But when I told him about it, my doctor was reluctant to put me back on regular adderall..I have taken 20 mgs of the regular for a few years now.
I don't like how I feel with any dose increases.He has suggested it before and I refuse.I told him I don't want it increased.If he cranks it up anyway,I'm using a friggin pill splitter because if it makes me feel bad,I think he can kiss my butt over the increase.I don't care, I ain't gonna take a drug if it makes me feel too sick.I wonder am I sensitive to it or something?..
Any insight on this anybody? Curious.