things seemed like they were getting better, and i spent some time away, camping, etc, hoping to give him some space and time. but i spent most of my time alone thinking about how intolerable it has all become. so, when i got home, i couldn't tolerate it. not just the occasional explosions, but the constant walking on eggshells during the in between times. he couldn't get over being mad the other day, over nothing, so i told him he had to leave, that i did not feel safe with him. he feels this is very unfair, and that i have finally broken the relationship, but it is just the last straw of a large bale that we built together. i had hoped that sleep would help the situation, but after a few weeks of pretty good sleep nothing seems to have changed. i still think that if he saw a doc, maybe there are some meds that could help him. but he steadfastly refuses to consider that there may be something wrong with him. we saw my therapist together, and she said she thought we may be unrepairable. maybe she really meant that, or maybe she was trying to get us to focus, i don't know. we are locked in conflict without content she said, which was kind of a good thing to hear. it makes me feel a little less personally defective, since everything about me seemed unacceptable to him lately. i did let some things fly, because i was in a safe place to do that. (so did he.) i hope we can move on from there, i don't know. we will probably see her again this week. we are supposed to both call her and check in wed. he will see his own therapist on tues. in the meantime, it feels good to be in my own home, with no eggshells. i feel for him. my time in exile lately was painful. but there is no way for this to not be painful. even if it is not the end. blech