with the news about our kid, and her influence in this mess, we had some tough things to talk about. but we got through it. it will take him a while to sort all that out, cuz she was really working on him. i am so grateful for a dx for that kid. man. she had him convinced that there was nothing wrong with her, at all. not even bp. and she really was a big part of the mess we were in. big. our friends were "pleasantly surprised" that i was able to be sane and work all this out enough for him to come home. they wouldn't accept what i told them about the kid, but maybe with a little time, they will. nobody wants to admit they were conned. but boy were they. i think the kid has a bright future in politics. at the very least, she needs to learn the 3 card monty. we were able to be calm and keep talking. i was able to answer some of the usual "happy talk" with a calm, "i need to talk about these kind of things in a way that is mindful of the deep dysfunction in this relationship that has f'ed up everything." i don't want to make an issue out of every conversation, but we are supposed to be digging a new foundation here, not planting daisies in the window box. i can cope with the real thing, i can't cope with the wallpapering of everything. he was complaining about his therapist, but i hope that we are in a calm enough place for that to get better. he said she said- "i'm want to get to know you, but you are having one crisis after another. so i am frustrated." i hope that is not exactly what she said, cuz it sounds damn inappropriate. again. then again, my therapist is going a little nuts with it all, too. i hope we are in a new place, and they can work it out. things were affectionate without being unreal. hope returns.