hearing this about my daughter was both a shock and a blessing. it is heartbreaking to think of that beautiful baby that i had, and realize that the dreams i had for her will probably not come true. it is a huge loss to me. and i do fear for her safety. she has a history of injuring herself, and has done many out there things. but it is quite a blessing to see what is going on. it makes sense out of so many things. and gives some clear answers about what to do next. for the first time that i can remember, she tried to play her dad and i against each other yesterday, and FAILED! i have been insisting that she take responsibility for her own care. that includes getting herself to her therapy. she has resisted this mightily. she tried to set me up to be the reason she couldn't get herself there. she was going to ride her bike, but i had "broken" her bike lock. actually, i tried to get an extra key made, because i had been using her bike sometimes. but the locksmith broke the lock, and couldn't fix it. it was a cheap lock, and i will get her a new one. but she made a big stink, at the last minute, about not having a lock. she, of course, knew very well that she didn't have a lock. she had been making huge hay out of the whole thing. i told her to take the train. she had her dad ready to drive her, and miss or at least be late for his own therapy. i put my foot down that she had to be responsible, not me and not him. and it worked. i don't know where we go here, but i know that job one here is to stop the manipulation and harm to other people around here. when school starts again, she will be getting some more serious help. she gets a lot now, but she might even qualify for residential placement. that requires getting extended guardianship, tho, and i'm sure that will be a battle.
so, any and all input welcome.