didn't experience "abuse" exactly but murky boundaries which resulted in a LOT of confusion and pain... yes of course there was an element of "transference," projecting desire of daddy or mommy's love onto the therapist... as well as "counter-transference" where the therapist also feels an attraction... but on the other hand as Freud said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I think the human animal has a mating instinct and quite naturally can tend to respond to physical and emotional closeness w/ sexual and/or love feelings... and then the moment of truth to find that the relationship is "only" therapy, it can never be "love" or "family" or "mate" ....I experienced that as rejection, it really sent me reeling, still haven't quite recovered...
The thing is, I really think it is up to the therapist to be absolutely scrupulous about maintaining clear boundaries ie no long chats apart from the sessions, no emails, no details about his personal life, etc.
Needless to say, I'm going to be working only w/ women from now on!