I'm glad you are posting. I'm just popping in for a second, and long-winded me would really like to answer at length- but I can't right now- It DOES sound like you are a 'highly sensitive person'- and that is one of those bitter-sweet gifts. I am thinking you were told that, not as a compliment- or as something to be cherished and treated as valuable, but rather as some kind of 'weakness' or 'failing'- It was for me- But, I'll share with you what my counselor has finally gotten through to me- and that is it IS something ...unique... and wonderful as well as painful at the same time- He likened me to 'fredrick' the Leo-leonee mouse who gathered beauty to carry the community through the winter, while all the other 'good' mice were busy doing 'real' work- But being in DEEP touch IS work- as I can see you know- Please never be-little the wounds and burdens you've experienced in this world- Does it matter if it is a pound of rocks, or a pound of feathers? Each one is the same weight, and drags us down-.... While some folks trials may seem more obvious, or more urgent, what you are going through is no less painful. I'm one of those who has had 'dramatic' life crisises... and a 'bad' past- but in my journey, I've met MANY folks, whose struggles were every bit as difficult as mine, despite how things may have looked from the outside- and made even more difficult for them, because ...'society'..dictated that they 'should' be happy.
Sometimes, when people see the scars on my body, and remark or question me about them, I almost want to laugh- because those wounds healed years ago-... the ones that can't be 'seen' the one that live inside- the feeling of being unworthy, and flawed, and unlovable are far more painful, and fester without anyones notice. It must have been so hard to have what 'looked' for all the world like a 'perfect' family, while missing out on what is needed the most- the knowledge that you are precious- and cherished, and loved, not for what you do, but because you ARE.
I could go on and on, and i've likely said more than enough already- I hope nothing i've said has been hurtful, or off-base. I do think I understand where you are coming from to some degree... and I want to encourage you- and thank you for 'stepping in' - it's scary, but so important to connect with others, as it helps everyone in some way, I believe. Knowing we aren't alone- or that others have been, or are in 'similar straits' helps alot.
I wish you much peace, and comfort- and hope you find some solace here-DU has some of the worlds best folks- and I'm awfully glad to have found my way here-