my very best advice- (wisdom comes through pain and failure more often than not) is to just BE YOU as completely as you are able. We all 'put on' selves (to some degree) in order to 'be' what we think will make us acceptable to other people. Even if all you are seeking is a 'good friend'- you will want to be free to be who your are, and not pretend, if you want a relationship with any value. If this person is someone who 'fits' - and you like him too, then you've saved yourself alot of potential misery- (if he's being genuine with you as well). Life is too short, and too precious to waste on false faces, and meaningless, mindless relationships. (in my opinion)
As for 'dressing'- it sure would help to know what you guys are going to be doin. Dress to please yourself, both in comfort, and style, given the situation. Unless you are planning to transform yourself into someone new- (a difficult if not impossible task, in the long term)you'll know that if you want to get to know each other better, you are being true to yourself. And that IS 'good enough'- more than 'good enough' for the person who is meant for you-
I'm excited for you- hope you have a great time. A sense of humor is probably the most important asset a person can have (imo again) as long as its not sarcastic, or cruel, disguised as humor- like *'s- Be yourself- you ARE 'worthy, special, and enough'.