Edited on Tue Nov-01-05 08:07 PM by CitySky
I'm having a hard time of it right now.
BP-II, and was doing "fine" without meds for over a year and a half - it seemed like just making sure I got enough sleep was the most important thing, and when I hit potential stressors I'd see my therapist. Was usually fine by the time I even got to her.
Well, long and the short of it, some one-after-the-other stressors August & September threw me out of whack. I was edgy, irritable - basically hypomanic and afraid I might be headed for a big crash. Having had about 5 major depressive episodes in my life so far (I'm 35), I KNEW I didn't want to go there again! So I went to a psychiatrist to begin the awful process, AGAIN, of trying to find a medication scheme that works for me.
Okay. So far so good. Friends and my BP-I auntie rallying, rah-rah-rah, we're so glad you're doing this! We're right behind you! Stick with it!
But I'm afraid the first medicine we're trying here is making me depressed. First it sapped all my energy. Now I'm just sad and haven't gotten any work done all day. Even my run this morning - couldn't bring myself to finish the 3 miles running. Was MISERABLE, and walking, the second half of my loop.
YES, I left a message for the doc's office and will tell him what's up tomorrow. But right now it's hard.
I'm used to being busy. When I can't get jack squat done, or even when i get a lot LESS done in a day than I'm used to, it frustrates me.