the RWnuts know they are full of crap, they will never admit it, liars never do. Don't let it bother you. Their cars will be on blocks soon, the price of gas will ensure they can't drive them anyway...:)
Look at it this way...they have deluded themselves in believing there are only two things in life worth anything, money and power. When the economy goes bust, they will have no money, hence, they will find out the "power" they thought they had will become the reality of fighting for food as they realize they have no hope of scaring anyone anymore.
The illusion will be broken, and they will pay...I have no pity for them...they destroy themselves everyday.
You and I, as well as the rest of humanity that knows that life is more than greed and avarice will survive. We always do.
Don't feel down, you are a human being, you are far above the swine you see w/bush stickers...:) Do you think bush will be there when his 'pioneers' are looking for a handout when they go broke as the bill becomes due for this largesse....nope, like all good neo-cons, he'll run away when he has to face the truth....:D He always has, he has never accoplished a single thing on his own, he is a system of failure.
You my friend are a success, you have seen beyond the curtain, and there is no one there....O8)