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Depressed over my new antidepressant. Will the ADA help?

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-17-05 09:30 PM
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Depressed over my new antidepressant. Will the ADA help?
Edited on Thu Nov-17-05 09:35 PM by HypnoToad

(user forum here: and the site has links to many other drugs. This site is INVALUABLE.)

Strattera has already given me a lot of weight loss, appetite supression, increased metabolism, muscle aches (if not outright atrophy), and increased production of a normal body fluid I ain't too keen on sayin', and if you knew it you'd be surprised...

I already have problems with tremor and spasms. Ditto for blurred vision.

Now I've got self-esteem issues too.

Having read a little on this drug, it can cause the following (based on tabulation of numerous responses):

* appetite suppression
* dizziness
* weight loss or weight gain (depends on the individual)
* hair loss (that's my fave)
* concentration problems
* skin rash
* fatigue
* slower thought processing
* short-term memory loss (some have reported long term memory loss)
* severe night sweats
* headache
* sleep disturbance (I am scheduled to get a sleep test done in the near future)
* swollen glands
* swollen feet
* unusual dreams
* increased levels of or new acne
* nausea
* tremor
* exertion-based sweating
* body odor problems
* anxiety
* anger
* easily irritated
* blurry vision

I have to carry an ID card or bracelet stating I am on this drug.

No alcohol whatsoever.

Can the ADA help? I need protection because memory is crucial to my job. If I start forgetting stuff, they will use it against me. I already have problems with irritability so I fear this lab experiment's going to make me worse. And one the main causes of my depression right now IS MY JOB.

I've already and reluctantly tried zoloft with strattera and that nearly, LITERALLY, killed me. I had to argue several times that I wasn't making the issues up.

So, yeah, I'm scared. I'm on a drug meant to improve concentration and because regular antidepressants don't work on me they're using unorthodox stuff. B+ for effort, but as a lab animal I don't like being prodded this way. Zoloft nearly did me in and if anybody wants proof I'll be happy to pop a couple pills and you can take the readings before I keel over.

But I shall try it.

If nothing else, I can add to their list.

Sorry to vent, but my shrink said this drug had NO SIDE EFFECTS. And I am worried that she may not be listening... of course, I've been impudent by saying how the drugs (and they are not "medicines" as they so daintily call them) have caused serious side-effects.

What a world...
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DemExpat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-18-05 04:56 AM
Response to Original message
1. My impression is that most of the reactions on the forum
you linked to to are positive, so that sounds good, HT.....

Since you say you are going to try it, maybe start out with a lower dose if your shrink agrees.

Keep us posted here - it would be so wonderful if this would give you some solid support.

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-18-05 01:59 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. It's a small dosage...
and she said to take it slow.

But I do tend to get just a tiny bit neurotic...

I'll start it tomorrow night (I've to go into work tomorrow AM)

She said it would take a while for it to have a positive effect.

But hopefully the negative ones won't konk me out first... :)
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Kindigger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-18-05 07:50 AM
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2. Thanks for the info!
Now I know why my hair is coming out in piles. I sleep in 2-3 hour shifts. I'm so tired during the day that people question my intelligence, because it takes me several minutes to answer questions (or I have to ask them what they said to me). I have night sweats, constant dizziness, blurry vision, and just yesterday came off another sick headache.

Those aren't the only ones I've experienced, but they are the most bothersome. I was put on Lamictal for neuropathic pain running down my arm...a result of neck fusion surgery. I only take 75mg twice a day. A doctor claimed this isn't even a therapeutic dose, even though if I stop it, my pain returns. He was trying to get me up to 150mg twice a day, but I was always nauseous, and refused. At that point he called me "non-compliant", and threw me out of the pain clinic program.

I was also diagnosed with depression years ago, but I was already suffering chronic pain in 1993. I constantly asserted my depression came from trying to work in pain, while of course, psychiatrists asserted my pain came from depression.

After I was put into the psych. system, orthopaedists, rheumatologists, and neurologists labeled me as a hypochondriac. It wasn't until my neck collapsed last year that I was finally taken seriously. I'm finally getting tests that I would have gotten years ago, had I been "normal".

I was on Paxil for a long time, and tried others at various times. One dose of Zoloft almost sent me screaming into the night. Wellbutrin made me so irritable I wanted to rip people's heads off. Lexapro had no effect. Does this mean I don't have clinical depression? I don't know. Being in pain every day alters your life so much I don't see how one could help but be depressed about it.

I had no idea about the ID bracelet!

Hypno, I'd like to correspond with you through PM if you wouldn't mind. Send me one if it's okay.


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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-18-05 01:58 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Wowzers
I only found out about the bracelet/card claim when they put that little green banner on the bottle saying it's required. I'm surprised doctors who prescribe it don't give out official cards. That should be done in general; these drugs they love to hand out can really pack a whollop...

Thanks much for responding. In many ways I know how you feel; that's not rhetoric because I also have had neck surgery and pain problems... (and why most docs don't consider that depression can exacerbate existing pain is beyond me... :( )

I sent you a PM as well... :pals:
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Bluerthanblue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-18-05 11:13 AM
Response to Original message
3. have you tried
effexor? i hate it, but it has ..helped.. along with several other rx's that i take- (sanity cocktail)

There isn't a drug with "No side effects"- it's always a question of weighing the benefits versus the side effects-

i've been on so many meds zoloft worked for a short while- concentration is HARD when you're struggling with depression.- And many meds only exacerbate this problem. I take ritilin to help, but as i'm sure anyone who ever reads me can see, it isn't all that effective.

Ask your pdoc why they think this med is right for you- and tell her why you don't agree- it IS your body- and you need to feel 'heard'- even if she doesn't want to hear what you have to say-

wishing you well-
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-18-05 02:01 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. Typical antidepressants don't work on me.
Or work in reverse.

she said that because depakote seemed to work she'd give this a try. I also have some seisure-like issues, so she thought this drug would help those too.

And even though anxiety (GAD if not PTSD, depends on the diagnosing doctor) exists, Paxil did not help it but gave me an OCD as well (hair pulling, ouch!!)
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Bluerthanblue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-20-05 02:28 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. effexor is one of those wierd
AD. It's not a SSRI- (?) it only targets two of the brain re-uptake places. I'd like to get off it- it's causing me some problems that I'd just as soon not add to my life, but am afraid of the process-

I too, have PTSD- and other assorted dx's depakote made me into a zombie slug- ... there was one, Klonapin that they tried for awhile- it is also an 'anti-seizure' med- i prefered xanax- it worked really well, and very fast- but it is terribly addictive.- and withdrawal was an in-hospital nightmare. Headaches like i've never had before and puking my guts out non-stop for hours upon hours-dry heaves an yuccck--- no fun- no fun at all. Lorazepam (ativan) is what they switched me to, and then to vallium, which makes me very slow-. But without it i tend to really spiral out of control.

I also tend to respond to meds wierdly- those that often sedate others wire me- those that wire knock me out-

Hope you find some relief- This world is such a roller-coaster ride even when our brains and internal organs are operating at their best.

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