First let me apologize for posting this to multiple groups, but I'm desperate. I just had a disturbing phone call and made an even more disturbing mental connection about my oldest child.
My 10 year old daughter is, like both me and her mother, exceptionally tall and thin...really the definition of "waif-like". Several months ago I noticed that she wasn't eating much for breakfast in the morning, on some days trying to skip breakfast altogether, and that her appetite for dinner had scaled back as well. I mentioned it to her pediatrician at her last visit, and the doctor told me that she was fine physically and that she was probably going through a lull in her growth and was eating fewer calories as a result.
I believed this until 5 minutes ago. My daughters 5th grade teacher just called me with some serious concerns. Apparently she has overheard my daughter on more than one occasion tell her friends that she's "fat" and "dieting to be skinny and pretty", and so the teacher began watching her for any signs of A/B. What she found was that, in three weeks, my daughter has thrown her lunch in the garbage uneaten every single day.
The teacher took her concerns to the school nurse, and they confronted her about it today. My daughter, who is a very quiet, extremely intelligent (all GATE, tests in the top 3% nationwide for reading comp and math), and pacifistic kid apparently flew into a furious and tear filled screaming RAGE that they were "spying on her", and said that she eats as much as she needs. When the nurse asked her why she was throwing her lunches away, my daughter repeated that she was "a fat pig". This, coming from a girl who is 4'8" and weighs less than 60 pounds, alarmed them a bit (just for reference, at 18 I was 6'1", 135 pounds, and I ate like a horse, so a certain component of her weight is genetic).
So now I'm sitting here wondering what the HELL I did wrong, and how to fix this. Her teacher recommended that I get her into her doctor right away, and I'm planning on doing that, but what else can I do? I have absolutely ZERO experience with eating disorders and don't know where to start with this. Do I start making her plates myself and force her to eat? Do I need to take her to a shrink? How does this stuff start? She doesn't like boys yet so I doubt she's doing it to attract anyone, and she doesn't even have a belly bulge so I'm not sure how this whole thought process even got started.
Any advice that anyone can give me would be helpful. I don't think I've ever felt this confused, or this helpless, about a parenting problem before. There's something wrong with my little girl and I don't know how to help her :cry: