Edited on Mon Dec-12-05 01:49 PM by Rich Hunt
Hi, on Friday I had to do business with an intimidating and accusatory book dealer. Naturally, I got upset.
I had a conflict with my bosses about it. One of them detained me in an office 'until my father came to get me'. My father was at work, and I was just upset because they weren't listening to my side of the story, which is that my job is getting stressful on account of having to conduct business with some shady people. They wouldn't listen.
Anyway, it appears that either some of them or some political enemies of me and my family have been digging for dirt about me, and they would like to 'frame' me as being mentally unfit to work. When they are unable to do this, they engage in telephone and e-mail harassment, AND I was in a car 'accident' that so clearly was NOT an accident earlier this year in March. I told my supervisor these things when he told me that the attitude toward the Amazon seller was 'unprofessional'. I said that dealing with these people was stressful, especially in light of the stalking, harassment and attempted murder. He showed no concern whatsoever about this, which made me naturally more upset. You see how the intimidation campaign works : traumatize a person to the point where they seek mental health (I attempted suicide last year on account of the harassment), then use that as the basis for a blackmail and slander campaign.
I was called into the chair's office today, she repeated some things about me that were basically slander - she said that I said things that I didn't say. But the whole thing is about people trying to frame me as mentally unfit. PTSD and depression, but I have NEVER been diagnosed with something that would make me 'dangerous' or prevent me from working. This is corporate slander, plain and simple.
However, my question is this: what right does my employer have to ask me not to come into work until I have a doctor's note saying I am 'able' to work? Of course this is part of the slander campaign, but it does appear that now my employer (or at least the chair) is guilty of violating the ADA and probably state law as well in implying that I need a doctor's note to be able to work.
How do I proceed here? Please note that the only 'mental health problem' I may suffer from is trauma, post-traumatic stress and sleep deprivation due to the harassment, slander and physical attacks.