Situational anxiety, but still. (And no, I can't go into the situation much; it's related to the house fire we had in December.)
My heart races for no apparent reason, my chest gets tight, I'm very suddenly hyper-vigilant, and I alternate between chills and hot flashes.
I'm not sleeping, I'm not eating, and I alternately don't want to leave my house and don't want to be here, where I can be found. Sometimes it feels paranoid but then again, is it really paranoia if there truly are people seeking to do one harm?
I can't concentrate on anything except Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly; my short term memory is shot, I'm ear-worming all the time and I swear I feel like I'm losing what little is left of my mind.
I have to call my doctor tomorrow, but I am so scared she's just going to tell me to suck it up, that of course no one's out to convict me of something I didn't do (even though advancement in the police departments is performance (read: conviction) based, meaning that there is an economic incentive for cops to get as many convictions as possible - even if they're false convictions) and that I don't deserve care.
I've never felt this way before and it's making me crazy. I don't know what to do and I'm supposed to know... this is what they trained me for and I just don't know.