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Anyone else have Depersonalization Disorder?

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MinneapolisMatt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-01-06 04:08 AM
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Anyone else have Depersonalization Disorder?
Hi, my name is Matt, I'm 29, and you can *probably* guess where I live. ;)

I'm just looking to see if anyone out there also struggles with depersonalization disorder. I've had this since 1998, and I've been in a bit of a rough patch right now.

Long story short: several different psychiatrists, misdiagnosed a bunch of times, been on a few different meds, they all stopped working at some point, am currently on no meds. I am looking for a different psychiatrist in my area that may have some more knowledge in depersonalization disorder. (Not a solicitation for medical advice LOL! Just letting you all know where I'm at.)

Anyway, I've never posted in this forum before, but I finally got the courage to do so tonight. I felt it was time I did, because I wanted to thank all of you for your candor in the many different threads here. It's really helped me to know I'm not the only one struggling.

By the way, here are a couple of very good links that explain depersonalization disorder EXTREMELY well, in case you are interested. (And maybe they will help someone else like they have helped me.)

Take care,

Matt :)
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DemExpat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-01-06 08:37 AM
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1. Hi Matt
My experience is similar to yours in that medication did not ever provide lasting relief, so I also have been off meds now for many years. Diagnosis borderline pd, depression, and anxiety disorder, but I recognize my states of being in so many descriptions of disorders - I think that many tend to overlap - and anyway, I prefer to not label my state as an illness, but as a life's problem with spiritual contexts. :-)

I would definitely continue to look for a good supporting therapist/psychiatrist to help you through this, as I believe that it is almost impossible to do it completely on one's own until you have "learned the ropes" so to speak.

Everybody is unique as well, so approaches vary greatly in finding what works best.

Hope you find solid support asap, Matt, and maybe you'll get some good support here on this little forum as well. It IS wonderful knowing that we aren't alone with our struggles.


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Blue_Roses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-01-06 10:08 AM
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2. hi Matt
I've never heard of this disorder, but I will be interested to read about it. Keep looking for a doctor who is familiar with this because I have found that this is the biggest milestone in getting the right medication and support.

Glad you found this forum and take care:)
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Nikia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-01-06 04:15 PM
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3. The descriptions sort of sound like me
It has been getting worse for me though in that it occurrs more frequently. It is less frightening though now than when it first was happening. I used to always have panic attacks when I depersonalized. Now I try to calm myself down and remind myself that it is something that I can handle. I usually still have anxiety through them, I don't feel as disabled during them.
I am glad to know that this is not a serious psychosis. I have been afraid that I am going crazy.
I have had anxiety disorders before this happened often.
Should we be engaging in more mentally and physically active activities to help feel more within ourselves and real? The article seemed to be saying that. I tend to depersonalize most when I am doing routine things at work or walking in public places, things that don't occupy much of my mind.
I am encouraged that people can better from this.
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Nikia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-01-06 04:18 PM
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4. I had started a thread a while back about dissociation
I guess that it is the same thing. You might want to check it out.
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MinneapolisMatt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-01-06 04:36 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Oh wow,
how did I miss that?! Thanks for the link!

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