been finding new, improved ways to deny Doug his meds WITH NO NOTICE AT ALL.
And then it's a chase movie trying to find THE ONE PERSON in the whole bureaucracy who can fix it. The consumer reps can't help; the field office won't talk to me. The pharmacist bitches to Doug and they upset him even when I asked them pretty please, talk to me.
It is effing exhausting. And I hate hate hate for the bit of positive energy we have managed to scoot together into a small hopeful pile to be utterly and wantonly wasted this way. After hours and days of dealing with these bastards, I just want to go to bed and pull the covers up over my head.
Except, then they win.

I have to have another go at these @ssholes from hell on Monday. In a sane world, they would approve his meds, then work with us to straighten out whatever problem for the next month.
But, no. They just pull the authorization as if there are no lethal consequences. Well, there aren't any -- for them.
Fuck them and the form they rode in on. We've had a good, productive weekend. I managed to buy what Doug needed until Tuesday. Tomorrow, I'm at 'em again. They better have back up.

:hug: to you underground panther.