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Is anyone noticing a lightening of their mood with Spring coming on?

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-22-06 02:30 AM
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Is anyone noticing a lightening of their mood with Spring coming on?
I admit to not knowing much about this subject, but I just notice my biology wants to swing positive because -- there's more light? Not really sure why.

Normal stressors seem a little easier to surf. Everyone and everything seems just a smidge less serious.

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blue neen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-26-06 07:48 PM
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1. It has been a very late spring here in PA.
The skies have been gray for months now. Everyone here is about ready to pull their hair out--you can actually feel your body CRAVING sunlight.

"California Dreamin'" is the perfect song for us right now! :)
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MrMonk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-26-06 09:28 PM
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2. No.
But I tend to be contrary.

I actually seem to improve over the late-year holidays.
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mopinko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-27-06 01:28 PM
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3. auto-immune diseases tend to flair.
fibromyalgia, cfs, arthritis, ms, all that, tend to get worse now. i am dragging, after being very well for months. partly post election let down/exhaustion. but just not bouncing back.
lots of folk draggin'. doesn't make me not glad to see the sun, tho.
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Nikia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 05:56 PM
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4. It usually does
Spring tends to be my best season. My mood hasn't really gotten a lot better, but some things have come up that haven't been good for me. If I don't improve over the next month or two, I'll know that I need something more than I am getting now.
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Random_Australian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-07-06 05:39 AM
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5. Autumn here. It feels good.
Alright, because I ensured it would, but my brain doesn't know it's circular reasoning.

Basically, after ages in the heat, I just kept telling myself how good cold was, and whatnot. Imagines it well, I did, and then put in the ol' 'happy thoughts' ie. linked what I was thinking about to stuff with positive emotional stuff, so when the cols comes, it is good.

By the way, if you can't think of anything good in your own life, you don't have too. I never could. Just use music or something... especially movie soundtracks. To my science fictionesque imagination, LOTR works. This technique takes ages, but seems to work.
Anyone else tried it?
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NMMNG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-08-06 03:05 AM
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6. Mine hasn't I'm afraid
I've had this chronic cyclic pattern of feeling either "eh" or mildly to moderately "down" as well as perpetually tired. Part of it is that I need a vacation, part of it is feeling trapped (in several respects). I could probably benefit from a med change but with a prospective move coming up that's just not a wise idea right now. Maybe once I get settled elsewhere I'll look into it. Of course then I'll have to wait for my new insurance to kick in and all.
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Random_Australian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-08-06 07:14 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. How about if someone gives you a hug?

Wish cyber-space could send a real one.

Oh, well.

btw, what is your reaction if you attempt to well... imagine yourself bieng hugged? (not by me, by whomsoever you wish). Don't answer if you don't want, though.

I always, always try to work out what and how those around me think, you see.

Personally, it feels a little good. I don't let it feel better, that would be a temptation to leave this reality for that one. If I needed too, I could go the full delusionary route where I could actually feel it, but again, that would make it very tempting to leave reality for somewhere nicer.

There is a chance I could get a girlfriend sometime, though. I'm looking forward to it, it shall be the closest to another I've ever been (Not that it would have to be that close to hold that record)

So question two is: how is everyone going versus loneliness? By memory always seems to follow those whose heads work differntly.
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NMMNG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-09-06 02:50 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. Cyberhugs are nice
Thank you. :hug:

btw, what is your reaction if you attempt to well... imagine yourself bieng hugged?

It feels relaxing, comforting.

Personally, it feels a little good. I don't let it feel better, that would be a temptation to leave this reality for that one. If I needed too, I could go the full delusionary route where I could actually feel it, but again, that would make it very tempting to leave reality for somewhere nicer.

Yes, I too would sometimes like to take a vacation from reality. Unfortunately reality pays the bills so I make myself stay there.

So question two is: how is everyone going versus loneliness?

I feel lonely sometimes, but DU helps. I talk here about much of the stuff I can't talk to my "real life" friends.
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Random_Australian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-09-06 04:32 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. Anonymity is nice sometimes.
And DU is of course, a wonderful place. You should have seen this 'new picture thread' thread!
Awesome. My self-esteem just doubled! (read the subthreads)

Though I do find myself wondering if it's a trick of the light.... truly I am unused to anyone finding me attractive. ;).

Sometimes I wish that there were some easy method of finding a life-long partner. Join a que, yes, we've already found the perfect match, or more importantly, some who you are a perfect match for.
Presto, enjoy.

Meh. Wishful thinking. I have plans, however. Who knows.... this Random Australian may go far.

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monarch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-09-06 04:48 AM
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10. Definitely--but it also might be Fitzmas
I started using a lightbox this year. I put it on when I sit down in front of the computer first thing in the morning. I do think it has helped but I just realized that I haven't thought to put it on the last two days.
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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-09-06 08:35 PM
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11. Spring is notorious for inducing
Edited on Sun Apr-09-06 08:36 PM by depakid
hypomania, mania and- worse- mixed states.

Visit any bipolar support board and you'll see the phenomena reported every year.

For people with generally "normal" affective range- or some degree of straight up SADD, there's a general brightening of mood, which is often "helped along" by more outdoor activity and/or exercise.
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Pharaoh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-10-06 07:05 PM
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12. personally I'm in a nosedive
I looking into dis retire for depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, my last crash n burn was in same time o year 2000.............

But I just discovered this group 2 days ago, so I am heartend to find fellow depressives on DU!!
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Random_Australian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-10-06 08:15 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I'm not depressive myself, but I'd like to wish you a warm welcome to the DU Mental Health Support Group.

Have a hug :hug: and a hi :hi:
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Pharaoh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-10-06 08:40 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. thanks mate!
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