I had to relearn how to walk after being hit by a car going 45 Mph.There was no car around me. The only good part of that whole accident was the sensation of flying through the air. That I have to say was neat,like flying.Landing,well that HURT.. And you would not believe how something you learned as a baby (walking)you take for granted because it has become automatic is so damn difficult to do once you forgot how to do it! My physical therapist who helped me after that accident was the coolest ever.She put up with my insane blue streaks of cussing in frustration and my sick ass humor about my purple,blue,green,yellow zombie legs,my fear of moving my joints because of the dread of pain,and she let me yowl,whimper and cry my eyes out on her shoulder when I thought I'd be in leg braces forever because my knee refused to bend.She had massage techniques to DIE for.
She told me the best off color jokes and physical therapy gross out stories ever,she really made me feel fortunate,about my situation at least it wasn't THAT bad..and to this day I use her material as a springboard and embellish it to win gross out/horror story contests with my friends when we have cookouts late into the night....hey,you gonna eat that..