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DU Rage.

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Ladyhawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-06-06 06:46 PM
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DU Rage.
Echoing another post, I'm usually a genial, good-tempered person, but occasionally something or someone on DU will set me off and I'll blow a gasket. I've noticed this is most likely to happen when the blue pills in my dial-a-pill compact are disappearing and the green pills are coming up. :) I get angry at other times, too, but if someone flames me or says/does something indefensible (in my opinion), I'm more likely to /ignore that person or say exactly what I think.

Lately, I've been mostly disappointed with the level of discourse here and I've been considering leaving. It doesn't help that I'm feeling "defeatist" about politics, the world, our chances as a species, etc. Yeah, I'm in "therapy," but whenever I bring up negative emotions, my counselors seem perplexed, ask me why I'm a "negative" person or why I never mention the good things in my life. Right now I'm going to therapy for "show." My current therapist lost my trust over these issues. I don't feel comfortable bringing up the idea that I think our nation and world may be fucked. I don't feel comfortable bringing it up here. As for family...yeah, as if. :)

No one wants to hear the reasons why I think the human species is most likely fucked. I don't know what to do about our possible impending extinction because I think it may be precipitated by a series of events entirely out of my control. There's nothing I can do about peak oil, global warming, pandemics or the fact that most of the world is ready to commit religiously-inspired genocide on one another. The only thing I see that may be worth fighting for is clean elections because nothing else will get done without them, but at the same time, I think it may be too late. Most of our "leaders" and potential leaders aren't thinking enough about these issues. The religious issue itself is enough to get us all killed, yet most of us seem quite happy to believe fairy tales without evidence and to use those fairy tales to justify committing atrocities against those who don't believe the same fairy tales. It's too much for me. I want out.
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Pharaoh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-06-06 07:21 PM
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1. you bet ladyhawk
we are all fucked, but I've long ago givin up trying to convince others of whats really going on,they are too all consumed in their little trivial worlds that they will wake up from someday soon and say :wtf:

I do believe there are ways of becoming spiritually enlightened and escaping the insanity of this consciousness, and that is not just my opinion but a major movement throughout the world right now.......
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Pharaoh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-06-06 07:53 PM
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2. hey ladyhawk
how bout an alpha stim update? I just got one and have only used once but it seems to have a calming you still use it regularly?
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Ladyhawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-07-06 01:03 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Yes...and when I forget, I can TELL...big time. :)
It does help.

And yes, I've decided to look into awareness meditation for its calming effects. I've started using a relaxation tape and begged another off my counselor. I'm thinking about getting the whole series from that Zabat fellow.

Tonight I spent some time with my nephew. I've tried speaking to him--indirectly--about *'s wars and how stupid they are. I don't want him directly involved like his step brother will be shortly. The only thing I can do is plant an occasional seed and hope he will seek the information on his own. As for all that other depressing stuff, I can't burden him with the knowledge. The poor kid is only fifteen. Let him be innocent for awhile longer. I don't think he can do anything to change the course of events, anyway.
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Pharaoh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-07-06 08:05 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. I like to recommend
Eckhart Tolle to people, he may seem a bit mystical at first but he is very good and his tapes and voice have a nice calming effect

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Random_Australian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-07-06 05:35 AM
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4. It is safe to say that here. I am interested in the UFT for exactly that

(UFT = Unified Field Theory. Basically, science provides a good description of the world but it needs 1 more, and any attempt to do so is called a UFT)

University is going well, but busy.
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marions ghost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-16-06 01:33 PM
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6. if it's any consolation
Edited on Tue May-16-06 01:34 PM by marions ghost
in these times your negative reaction may be more normal than you think. There ARE counsellors who will validate your feelings, if you're interested in seeing any others. If you do go to another, tell them the dilemma immediately. If they are not sympathetic, move on. The ones with real heart are out there. They really are out there.

So many of us here feel as you do--that it's an emotional roller coaster ride all the time now. Part of it is the illusion of being out of control, as you say. Try to do something to take that burden off yourself. You cannot hold up the world. Do some small positve action in your own neck of the universe. Tell yourself it will be small, but it's a contribution. It's not too late to fight election problems, if you have that kind of fight in you. People are ready to hear it now--that the election system is dysfunctional.

This is about management of your emotions while watching the Hindenberg go down. It's scary. But at least don't doubt yourself or your perceptions. Get with people who feel as you do. People that don't get what you're going through are useless right now. We are all in these trenches together and we will turn this mess around. Meditation to decrease stress is good. But increasing energy is also good, through purposeful action of some kind. You are trying to find balance. You will find it.
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