but I got to thinking about the near constant tirade of this or that person is 'mentally ill' for not agreeing with some DU'ers opinions. From this post
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=276&topic_id=3540&mesg_id=3597 it is clear how often it is used, and this armchair psychiatry is annoying me, so I thought I would make a response to copy and paste from here every time someone says that.
Here's my first go:
This is message from the Democratic Underground Mental Health Support Group.
You are reading this message because you have ascribed the behaviour of some person or person(s) to metal illness without proper procedure, or as a derogatory term.
Here is an example of the kind of thread that meant this was needed:
"George Bush has oppositional defiance disorder! (Gives some examples of some person's opinionated interpretation of Pretzledent's behaviour) What a loon!"
This example was picked so as not to call out another DU'er, however given the amount of threads telling us that Chimp-and-a-haircut is mentally unwell, I cannot be sure no-one has used this yet.
There are a number of reasons why this is objectionable:
1) You need to know someone a lot better than their TV appearances and something about their history to come to a proper conclusion. Not following this procedure is known as "armchair diagnosis" - and considered obnoxious, as it leads persons to irrational conclusions.
2) The tone that 'only someone mentally ill would do this' associates negative values with the mentally ill - something both untrue and offensive, as the mentally ill are far more likely to be the victim of a crime than the perpetrator of one, and it also is used widely as an excuse for not taking social responsibility - by ascribing the behaviours we do not want to think we are capable of committing to internal factors. If you are unclear what I am saying, feel free to research The Fundamental Attribution Error.
Finally, some special instances:
- You think you have proof, as per someone's behaviours: See "1)" above
- The information you are receiving is from someone with a degree in psychology: See "1)" above.
- Someone is actually diagnosed with something: Well it was bound to happen eventually. Who knows? With this many threads about it you may actually get lucky one time. Lots of threads you say? But this is in response to just one thread! Look what happened when a DU'er ran a simple search on the subject:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=276&topic_id=3540&mesg_id=3597Thankyou for not continuing this.
How's everyone like my first go? Feel free to reply with stuff we should add!
And if you don't like it, check out the link, then say something.
P.S. the final point of this is to have something to copy and paste because people kept posting about this or that person having some frickin disorder, it overwhelmed the people who were trying to put a stop to it.