then you're either uninformed or an idiot-or both". She's from Brazil and believes that all Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Some of it comes from depression due to current events, but most of it comes from our sick society. An emphasis on WHAT you are instead of WHO you are as a person is at the root of it; you are what you earn and own in America, and this simply isn't the case in other countries. She also says that our sick environment and our society's lack of appreciation for the natural world has lead us into "toxic" lifestyles.
So, where does your depression come from? Is it biologically inherited? (If so, I'll recommend the Alpha-stim again) Is it due to feelings of professional failure? I know that you're a talented artist, and I know that you, like myself, probably don't do as much with that talent as you would like to. You might try www.barbarashur.com for some inspiration.
If you have an angelic being sleeping next to you-for seven years no less- then I'd say that you're something of a success. Plenty of us in this forum have given up on dating (myself included) because it's just too challenging and painful. How does your SO feel about where you both are now? Perhaps she's content because she's more focused on the WHO instead of the less significant WHAT.
Years ago I watched the PBS program "Affluenza" where a psychologist broke down the elements of human happiness into three categories: Creative self expression (art/ volunteerism/ hobbies), contact with friends and family, and contact with nature. What about the third category? Do you have regular contact with the natural world? If not, how about hiking on the weekends, or maybe even a pet?
That's all that initially comes to mind. I also feel like a failure much of the time, and mostly it's due to my awful ADD and milder social anxiety disorder. I'm trying to improve both with diet and exercise, as drugs have always failed me.
I really hope that your spirits lift soon. :hug: