wish i could help-..... try and remember it passes, know that it always has, and always will. Remind yourself, you've come through this before...
I see it something like the waves of contractions in labor- just when you think you will never live through the crush- end - oh it eases.... like the waves breaking on the shore, the water rises and rises and rises, and you are sure you can't live through it, but just at the end of YOU- the top is reached, and you feel yourself starting to gently ride down the other side....
Try and surround yourself with comforting things- soothing music, rythmic motions, a word repeated over and over that keeps you connected with yourself. Put your bare feet on the earth and feel the coolness, remind yourself, you are here, it is now, you are safe, and you WILL get through this... just as you have in the past-...
Anything that has brought you comfort or gives you strenggth?? a friend who will just sit with you, and remind you that it will pass?? I have a stuffed animal, and a quilt- sometimes when it's really bad, I put the old chenille beadspread on my bed and rub my hand over and over the bumps, till it feels numb, and I concentrate on that feeling even for hours-
I've also used (with Dr.'s encouragement) some heavy meds that will assure I sleep, and usually when i wake up, the excruciating feelings are less intense.
It is NOT your fault- you need to ride this out as safely and calmly as possible. Your mind is another organ, and this is sort of like a 'brain attack'- or a severe cramp of the 'emotional' part of you.
Just remember it WILL pass- you will feel ok again.... be gentle and know you are NOT alone-
i wish you comfort and peace-
everything will be ok.... hold on.... just keep holding on....