Today I am getting surgery done,at around noon I guess I will be in the op room. Getting a UPPP and tonsillectomy done .Wish me luck. I dread it.I dread it,fear the pain,when I heal up.I have heard time and again about painful recoveries,Dr. warned me about it too..I hope they give me good painkillers,and it heals fast,or even better the nerves just give out and stop feeling pain.(fat chance).My mom came up,my sister will be there too,and the partner.
I hate this world. A world were bodies are born to get so fucked up and than die for what? There is no purpose or answers because reality,it's absurd, radically pointless and impersonally cruel..And when people compete to hoard and dominate and deprive others of basic respect and human acceptance it's just sick. I hope someday humanity stops playing the game of make believe,and the bullies and authoritarians lose the power over others and culture they never deserved to have but took anyways.
That said,If In some weird unforeseen circumstance,I don't make it for whatever reason (a CYA statement here,nothing more than that,because you never know..),I wanna say thanks to all you guys and to the rest of DU for giving me a place to find and refine my voice.And for all the kindness those of you who knew me well enough(for an online"friendship")showed me..I couldn't have imagined all the creativity ,intelligence ,heart,and preciousness I have seen over time here,because without the net I know I would not have seen it in the few people I see around me in this town.Without the net my opinion of humanity would be jaded to worse than bad.
Take care,and take care of each other,(doesn't Jerry Springer end his shows with that statement too? Ugh..Grroooann..anyways purrs,and when I am able I will let you all know how it went.
Underground Panther in the Sky...Springer Guest #3002..*smirk*