There are enough meds out there that this DOES NOT have to be a choice. There are various combinations of meds that a GOOD p-doc can combine to make something work for you. If the doctor says this, it sounds to me like either one of 2 things.
1.He's an asshole. 2. He lacks the knowledge of more modern techniques in patient medicine management and is saying this because this is not something that he has bothered to keep up with since getting licensed to dispense meds. I was lucky in that my psychopharmacologist worked with me through HORRIBLE side effects on some drugs, partial responses to others, and using other meds to augment my SSRI, I was able to have an almost 5 year remission from both dysthymic disorder and Major Depressive Disorder.
The one thing I kept saying is that I don't want to gain weight.
I won't be happy if I gain weight, as I have a knee problem (ok-lots of knee issues- patella problems, ligament issues (ACL)) and when I gain more than 5 pounds (I'm about 125lbs), I start to lose mobility. At this point, I can get by without surgery. But I was warned by the ortho that if I was to gain more weight and put additional stress/weight on the bad knee situation, rubbing away what little cartilage I have left, I would no longer be able to take a "wait-and-see" approach.
We tried one drug before getting the correct combo for the remission- all I could do was eat- and all I wanted to eat were carbs. I packed on the weight quickly, and called the doctor to ask if he had anything else up his sleeve. He told me that he'd find something. And he did. He said that he understood my concerns, and if I was laid up in a bed after surgery, I sure as heck wasn't going to be a happy camper.
Sounds like the doctor has an attitude problem. If he seriously didn't know how to help you, he should refer you to a specialist, or at least admit that he wasn't that knowledgable, but would try to find out different approaches to treatment without you gaining weight.
Ok, I'll stop ranting.
take care!