Edited on Sun Aug-06-06 12:14 AM by undergroundpanther
I feel that way right now. My throat hurts I am weary of it.I am so tired of everything tasting like crap. Chocolate tastes bad. Most things I eat are bland or bad.How long until I taste again WTF knows???!!
But beyond that.
I am really depressed scared anxious,fucked up tonight.
First of all my mom came up to help with my throat. She's going home Tuesday. And for me this is sad ,mingled with terror. My roommate past boyfriend is basically the same as before,I am nothing I don't exist,I am a piece of furniture.
Already there are problems with him.He will be starting school soon. And already he is telling me how I gotta change.. I like having TV upstairs because the furniture in the living room is comfy,and the kitchen is upstairs and if I fix a snack during a show I don't miss half of it when the TV is upstairs.Two things I enjoy are the Daily show,and Colbert,and a few other tv shows.
Downstairs there is a finished basement. It is quiet down there. It was fine for him to sit down there for hours reading and writing,on the web by himself,it was like I wasn't there. He had NO PROBLEM concentrating..than. This was when my mom lived upstairs,it was fine for him to spend hours studying whatever downstairs after she moved out too.. I don't know why he can't go down there,to study,now.. it's still quiet downstairs.
But no,he wants to control the main living space of the house and have me modify how I live around his damn school again,last time he went to school he was a total asshole about noise,he had to have total quiet,and it was miserable for me dancing around his study time which was all the time..Yet he can read a book for hours study latin and write all day with noise around him.So what's the big deal? To me it feels like he is trying to push me downstairs as if he wants to make me disappear and take over the living space of the house for himself...
I put my life in a box for his fucking "career" once before.He took over my apartment with his demands for silence when he studied at computer classes. Yet he has no problem reading for hours with noise he seems to think having to do classwork gives him an entitlement to control me.. Now he's subtly pushing for that same control of the living space again,. He has his own room.Why can't he shut his damn door and deal with the fact other people live here too and make noise! Why can't he go downstairs? I think he can walk upstairs to get to the kitchen. Unlike me,he won't be missing half a show ,he has no reason to occupy the ENTIRE upstairs.
Now he has his own room Why the fuck do I gotta watch TV downstairs for?? This is not HIS house. It belongs to my mom and my mom has said I have seniority here,I am her daughter..and he is an EX boyfriend/roommate living here because of my mom's good graces and my financial situation and his financial situation.
I don't think he relishes the idea of moving back to his parents house... I am on the verge of asking him to leave,Some days it seems tolerable,other days I can't stand him.. If he gets to be an asshole about his study habits,it will tilt this delicate balance and he will be asked to go, he cannot control the main living space his way just because of his choice to go to school.
He needs to learn to handle noise he handles it at any other time he has his nose in a book for hours,.If he can't he needs earplugs.. There are many little instances where he tries to dominate how I live and it has built up a huge well of resentment twords him in me.It is trying my emotional stamina and tolerance of him when he plays this crap.And like usual he is oblivious to how much he makes me sick with his controlling bullshit, and self absorbed demands.
I don't find I relate to him at all anymore. He is not a friendly person to me,or a person I enjoy being around anymore.He is an albatross around my neck in many ways and he has control issues and he is an emotional drain on me and There is so very little positive in this for me I wonder to myself why do I live this way..Whatever relationship we had it is long past dead.And being around him it feels like I am deadening inside and it is not healthy for me..
It feels empty here emotionally,dead and there is nothing for me here that nourishes me. This guy does not build me up, support or give two shits if I live or die except maybe if I was dead, it might mean he has to move out .And this causes resentment because I supported him before .I went way beyond the call of duty when he had his first"career" and I was manipulated into changing how I live for him.He dominated my living space..
When I needed him to support me,I never asked him to change his life,I just wanted encouragement,and maybe practical help, and he sabotaged my dreams. I get an offer to do an art show and he whines about the effort of driving me to the show. Everything that could empower me is just a burden a drag,ho hum..
His moaning and drag ass attitude has sucked my ambition out of me,it just collapsed because I need encouragement,to get feedback and to be told I am doing ok sometimes.I need someone who wants to reciprocate and be engaged with me, and encourage me.. He knows I don't have alot of self esteem and I got alot of fears regarding my art and such. Back when we were in a relationship he would not support me at all concerning anything I wanted to do for my own empowerment.He'd tell me not to try to get work I'll lose SSI,he shot down my ideas too. I did support his attempt at a career before because I sincerely wanted to support him, back than. But things have changed.
Back when I conceded to his demands I was not fully aware of his pattern of sabotaging my attempts at my own empowerment at that time,yet. Now I see the pattern and how it has hurt me and made me dependant. And I am angry. I have put up with his control games and modified my life for his ambitions. But when I had dreams I was not supported in return,he discouraged them and it hurt.Now I am trapped and going crazy.
I admit I resent and regret that I wasted my time and emotions supporting him and his career,changing my lifestyle for his need for silence during study years ago.. Now it appears he wants me to change my living style with the TV for his careers sake again and we are not even lovers anymore. But this time it will be different. I think he can support himself with his career by himself this time,I am not changing anything. I am not discouraging or supporting him and I am not changing how I live either..
He can take responsibility for his limits and study needs like an adult,get off his ass go downstairs to study where he will not be in the center of the main living area,of the house. Or he can get earplugs,shut his bedroom door .I am not bending over back-wards for him no more..He can either realize people who live in a house will make noise and watch tv ,and do it whether he is studying or not .Or he can move in with his Mommy and daddy,and deal with them and the noise they make existing. I know he would not DARE ask his parents to modify how they live like he asks of me.
I think this is all because he does not see me as an equal person to him and his family. I think he has a narcissism problem (I have suspected it for many years)and he is oblivious to how demanding and disrespectful he is to me and I am so very sick of it and his demands on how I live . If I was to modify my life for his careers sake,I get nothing in return really. Nothing nourishing to my soul comes from him anymore, Nothing that makes me feel like it is worthwhile to make such sacrifices will come of this 'compromise'. So why bother?.
My mom leaves Tuesday,and after that it will be me and him here. And I DREAD it. I dread being stuck here with him alone,it feels like a tomb.He gets on my nerves,trying to dominate and his demanding,crap.It is so lonely and empty and dead here. I don't know how long I can bear this. I wish I had more money. Enough to pay the bills by myself here. Even better I wish I could move out of this isolated boondocks town and move to a place with a good bus system that I could grok,that isn't in a town where I was tortured as a kid for years growing up, on school busses...Where I could get to my therapist,and get around to stores,to the city,or wherever else without him and his car and his resentment..and games. I wish so bad I was not trapped here. But for SSI,you cannot afford anything much. You have to take what you can get or are given.It is a horrible situation if your situation hurts.And what I got is miserable,and dis-empowering to me, and toxic situation.
Physically alone it appears nice.Emotionally it is crushing me..I don't see a way out of this. Section 8 waiting lists are obscene and because I am not homeless I will be very long time waiting and I will still be forced to be in this Godforsaken county too... Agencies to help don't help hands on. they don't get someone to go to you and help you deal with practical stuff like learning the bus and overcoming triggers in a hands on way. They don't bother with giving you money to pay bills so you can kick out a roommate that slowly strangles your soul. That is not important.These agencies are all talk and phone numbers and referrals,and they don't care,they don't encourage and they do not work with you.. There is no case worker out there that will help me in a hands on way,if I can't drive to their office.I'm not low functioning.So they don't have resources for me. I fall right through the cracks.
Ironically this is because I spent my teen years and young adult years in the psych system. They did not teach me real life things I need to know to survive.No they did BULLSHIT things like"assertiveness training" and "cooking class"and"mock job interviews".. I never got a job because I never learned to drive.These programs didn't help clients learn to be independent really..,the programs just posed like they taught survival skills to clients and take state money. Their true agenda was to keep clients dependant on the program while pretending to teach them"life skills" which amounted to a bunch of useless bullshit once you are out of the system and dealing with the real world.And I am so pissed about this... Someone made alot of money off of the Day programs a few years back. Just like some asshole made alot of money off of keeping me in the hospital for so long.
And I dunno how many people like me got screwed in the system during the years I was in it..
So I am 40 years old and screwed. I never was encouraged to pursue my art seriously by anyone,my mom was all talk,no help,the system did not believe in me or help.My ex when we had a relationship did no encouraging or help either..None of these people ever encouraged to make a career choice for myself. They always assumed I was the loon.The programs didn't help me with what I really needed either..
I was not taught how to balance a checkbook I figured that out myself.And let me tell you it was traumatic and terrifying. I was not taught the skills to learn to "make it" that other people get when they get a car in high school,begin and go through college.I never had the kind of social network normal people are graced with.
So for me simple shit others do like it's nothing, like taking a bus,getting somewhere on time, is terror and overwhelming to me.It feels so intimidating and it feels scary and I have no one encouraging me to try again when I fail and feel like killing myself.., or to advise or teach me what went wrong or right. I am totally alone 40 years old without the skills people learn when they are teenagers /young adults. It is scary as shit.. My therapist is useless for teaching me practical things.He can't come to my house and help me organize or ride the bus with me. I lose track of things, I lose time,I am disorganized and confused. I trigger.I am scared to death of fucking it all up.I am scared of triggering and freaking out and having no one there.
And I feel like a failure,a loser. My asshole father was right I am a loser a fuck up I'll never amount to anything...The thing that gets me is It is not my fault. But in this world they don't care if you can't do what you are supposed to do,if you can't you are a loser regardless of why. I hate my life. I wish I was never born. I wish my heart would just stop beating.I wish I was not conscious anymore. Than I wouldn't need to eat,I wouldn't need any money, or to have shelter,or anything else. I would not feel this dread and pain,I wouldn't have this ugly body I hate,I wouldn't talk, and once I was buried or burnt up, I would not burden anyone with my problems and traumas.Nobody would have to teach me anything,I wouldn't be a downer on everyone else's positive vibes. Best of all I would not feel anything anymore,no emotions,no intrusive memories,no fear,no despair or dread,or joy that dies as fast as it arrives,no more throat pain,It would be like I never was,the mistake would be erased and the world could go on without a drag..
That's how I feel right now it hurts. I will live for my cats. I will not abandon my cats.I can't abandon them. So I stay here for them. But good thing is,someday my body will die,it will get old ,sick or something else and die. Good thing life is not a permanent condition.I wouldn't be able to stand it if it was,because this world sucks.It's evil. I feel like I was used like an all day sucker. I got taken advantage of. I gave alot to this relationship,and I have nothing but a broken heart and a sour relationship with a self absorbed roomate to show for all my caring,support and emotional efforts. I feel drained.Empty dead. alone. Hindsight is 20/20..and now I know it is true.Wish I saw all this ten years ago.