It does help to actually talk (or write) with someone who has the same feelings. I am very isolated here, although I tend to be a loner anyway, by choice That's why I singlehand a sailboat.
There's just no one that I know, around here at least, that I can open up to. The people around are mainly fundies, or at least they are brainwashed by corporate media, or worse, Dittoheads for Rush, who ignore the message and immediately aggressively attack the messenger as an evil Bush-hating Liberal. There's just no point of trying to talk to Dittoheads aand Fundies. The only people I interact with, who understand the truth, are on DU. But I wish there were some here that I could socialize with and hug every now and then, like in my old hippie days. I had a real "family" then. My own blood family, those who are left, are like the people that I was describing earlier in this paragraph.
I do have a wonderful son, who graduated from Whitman College last year with two degrees in four years, mainly on scholarship, and some loans, with too little help from his mother who lives on a schoolteacher's salary and, ashamedly, no help from me. He's a wonderful adventurous boy who backpacked alone through Europe the summer after he graduated high school and did the same, only through China and Tibet, after his junior year of college. He has my old sailboat and works at West Marine in Seattle. Very very far away from me.
I also have his sister, my stepdaughter, an actress, who helped me tremendously when I bought the boat, in Long Island, as she was living in Queens at the time. She's now in Tulsa with her mother, trying to make money to move to LA. She hasn't been greatly successful as an actress yet, but I give her credit. She doesn't give up.
I'd love to be near my son. But it's a long way around via the Panama Canal, and I don't see Canada as a valid escape destination any more, as the neocons are in power there also and my old bones need warmer weather. Though Seattle is a much more progressive atmosphere from what I hear than where I am now.
Anyway, thanks for being there for me to ramble off to.
I hope others will feel interested and join in.
I post my opinions in the big forums. It's good to post my feelings here.