Edited on Tue Oct-31-06 11:20 PM by undergroundpanther
I have been a "nut" since childhood. I spent maybe a total of 15 years maybe more in the loon bins.Docs thought I'd be locked up for life. I have PSTD too and everyday I think of suicide.Everyday I hurt. One way or another
I look at it this way, fuck it. Fuckitall. Who gives a rats ass about normalcy there is no such thing as"normal"Life is one hassle after another so it feels alot like a piece of shit, so if that is what life feels like and you know it's going to get that way, why let it get worse? Mental illness or "normalcy" is not a win or lose proposition. Do you think someone with say, diabetes would beat themselves up if they have their insulin dose increased and feel like a loser because they take so many more milligrams insulin today than they did last week?
My perspective is life is short(thankfully) and knowing that why make it a competition with yourself to be a certain way? Things change all the time, life is stressful as fuck, and anyone could blow. This time you are, next time it's someone else, or me.
We all want and strive to have a comfortable state of mind or homeostatis..And it doesn't always last, even for so called sane people.. And homeostasis is impossible to maintain forever in such an unstable, un predictable, uncontrollable reality that changes all the time. We can adapt and all but sometimes we need help, we need assistance that is WHY we are social creatures. When we got them we are lucky to have our moments in the sun, so do whatever it takes to keep them coming because if you let pride stand in your way, you are not doing yourself any favors, that would mean jack squat if your PSTD or bi-polar started kicking your ass in earnest.Go get the shrink get it treated faster than maybe a crisis will be a mere hiccup in your life instead of a breakdown.
Do you think someone with diabetes would say, damn I don't wanna take any more insulin, I am ashamed of it, everyone would think I am incompetent to manage my sugar,no I'll just stay on the low dose and pretend it won't hurt me later? Hell no. So if you need to see a shrink, GO...Now.
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Take care of yourself!! If you don't who will?