I had two pets that defended me both not dogs.
Rikki he was the most awesome catfreind I ever had. I was constantly stalked by several bullies in my neighborhood growing up. I had different ways to handle it but sometimes there was no way out or no way to fight.. Rikki used to meet me at the bus stop. He must have drove my father nuts trying to get out the door to meet me everyday.Anyways by the time my drunk ass father got off his butt to let Rikki out I was already hurt and trudging twords home..Rikki would cuddle with me. and I loved him.Well one day he got out early. As I got off the bus I saw him up in the tree at the bus stop crouching as I got off the bus I saw him move just out of sight . I went to the tree, but the bully ringleader richie and his cohorts surrounded me hoping to pin me to the tree. But Rikki leaped down,used my head as a springboard and he landed on Richie he screamed as Rikki started batting his face furiously claws out, hissing and screaming like a demon.
All the kids ran scatter-shot,I stood by the tree amazed, than I busted out laughing as Rikki kept clawing the living shit out of richie,as he ran across the road. Right before ass-turd ran into his house to flee my CAT, Rikki leaped off his head and crossed the street and jumped in my arms, as he passed the other kids did not go near him..than I started crying because I was so touched, by what he did. He jumped in my arms purring . If I was a cat I would be so in love with that cat..I hugged Rikki and we walked home. The ass hats at the bus stop didn't do shit to me if they thought my Rikki was around. Ritchie had some nasty scratches all over his head and face. He was out of school for a few days too.
My other defender was a rooster, yes, a chicken! Blackie was a chirping ball'o'black fluff I raised up to a fine handsome jungle fowl. One day I was out at the coop after school changing the water, putting more feed in the feeders talking to all my birdie critters out there. I had my chickens, 2 doves and two rabbits in the coop. It was a pretty big coop too, I could fit myself in there and I often would sit in there with Rikki and Mikey(the one dog I had)and bring in my portable radio sing to my beasties.
My father that day came up mad over who knows what,but he was stinking drunk and that usually meant it was time for me to get thine arse up to the top of the nearest tree.But the coop door was open, so as he yelled I tried to shut the latch,I knew he was gonna hit, and when he started hitting..I found Blackie would have none of that shit,around him..So he flew at my father,who was standing there, right in front off the wire part of the coop,Blackie hurled himself against the wire spurs out barely missing his eye due to the chicken wire in the way...Blackie never had his spurs trimmed,I never really thought about them until I saw what he could do with those..(I think Blackie was an influence in my choice to get into knife throwing and swordsmanship).
Blackie's spurs were 5 inch surprisingly sharp daggers of horn growing out of both his ankles. My father backed away from the coop,pretty fast. I was shocked because Blackie had NEVER acted like that before,The whole coop was shaking from Blackie's fury so the latch slipped open because I did a half ass job of closing it,under threat. Blackie knocked open the coop door and flew out at my father's head, fluttering spurs aimed right at his face! (Chickens can't fly proper but they can fly short distances and can jump and an aggressive pissed off rooster with big spurs can do damage.)
Blackie had his spurs out to kill as my father tried to bat him away panicking, Blackie kept going at him, running after him jumping until my father turned and bolted into the house Blackie running after,jumping up again and again.When the screen door shut Blackie came back to me strutting in the way only roosters can pull off without looking stupid , leaped on my arm and did his sweet little chortle cluck he'd do and laid his head on my chest. I guess it was I love you in chicken-ese? I of course bawled and laughed at the same time.And I buried my face in chicken feather fluff and hugged my Super Chicken tight . Later when I came in the house at night,my father said not a word to me but I noticed he got two nasty cuts , one gash on the underside of his upper arm from near the wrist twisting to near the elbow,closed with a few butterfly's and one deep puncture on his cheek. There was blood stain in the bathroom.It took weeks for it to heal and it left scars.
My father NEVER hurt me if Blackie was around. After a year of Blackie's defense my father shot him dead in the coop. I found him dead after school, And my father wanted me to clean him for dinner. I refused to. He tried to hit again.. I could out run him so I split and I went up the tree..A few days after that I decided I had enough of my father's shit and I threatened to kill him with a knife. I did not intend to kill him I just wanted to scare him bad so he'd leave me alone. If my pets could get him to leave me alone it was about time I did it myself..He knew I was skilled with blades, it's a hobby of mine to this day, I use broadsword,throwing knives, and I was a good fencer.He never came around stirring shit while I was practicing with knives or swords outside.. He stopped the physical abuse after I threatened him.I threw a knife about an inch from his face into the wood of the back door. I scared the piss out of him. I was 14..I was never hit again.
There have been times my cats have saved my life, warned me about an electrical fire about to occur,Told me about a gas leak..they warn me if food might burn on the stove. You'd be surprised how protective cats are, they just do it in a different way than dogs do. I have found if an animal loves you and the animal considers you part of his kind,they will stand up for you if they can help.