They can turn over their findings to a psychiatrist, but it's the psychiatrist who writes the prescription and picks the drug to use.
If you think you have a disorder that needs medicating then you should see a psychiatrist. I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist and then referred to a counselor for talk therapy. Psychiatrists can do talk therapy, too, but they'll charge you about $250 an hour.
It sounds like your counselor is trying to pin a label on you to make things simpler. Mental illness is very tough to diagnose with varying degrees of each illness. I've been misdiagnosed with depression, depression with psychosis, and bipolar. Well they were correct to a certain degree. All those illnesses are aspects of the illness that I really have. They just weren't seeing the whole picture which is tough to do in just a few sessions an hour at a time. Unfortunately, it can take years to get the correct diagnosis and thus the proper treatment.
I understand your frustration, Hypnotoad. It's possible that you may have a better idea of what is wrong with you than your counselor. When I was in the psych ward of the hospital one time they told me I had bipolar. I was given a desription of the illness and thought that it didn't quite sound right. I asked the desk nurse for a dictionary and I looked up schizophrenia and thought, "Dammit, THAT'S what I've got!" And later it turned out that I was a lot closer than the doctor that diagnosed me as bipolar.
If you have researched illnesses and have a good idea of what you might have, then don't hesitate to tell your therapist what the deal is. Tell them you know what you are feeling and this illness that you looked up seems to describe it best. They should at least be willing to consider it if they are worth going to see.