My mom is up for the holidays. BUT she brought her UNTRAINED dog. This dog has already pissed in my house 4 or 5 times.He left a dump in my closet second day the little whiny monster was here.He pissed on my bedroom rug last night. He pissed on the futon which is mom's bed.I don't know how in the hell I will get dog piss out of a foam mattress. I may have to throw it away now. FUCK!! Dammit! Mom and her fucking dog are driving me crazy.
My mom is so inconsistent and she is the worst person to have a dog, first she does not correct him,She does not act like an alpha dog twords him, he is wild hyper runs when she tries to leash him to go out..then she has a conniption because he ran.In fact she does Everything you are not supposed to do when training a puppy. I feel like rubbing her nose in the next dump her dog takes in this house I am so angry.
I knew the mutt was coming,I got like 3 days warning, I didn't have time to find every cat toy. The damn dog has destroyed some of my cat's toys and that pisses me off.She did not warn me her dog would be such a pain. I tried to be accommodating like a fool ,the dog is 10 months old he SHOULD be housebroken IF he was trained by someone who could handle a dog.I had no clue he was so untrained MOm she is too stupid to see her dog is fucked up...I tried to be prepared for it as best as I could but WTF the dog is untrained a fucking asshole dog.
I tried to do all the right things,I set up a crate ,I did my best to keep him OUT of my room where my cats are . Shit, my cats have very little time to be in the house because mom won't control her damn dog.I tried to step in and help her with the dog and mom the idiot undoes the little training I have managed to do with her dog I already dispise..I tried to introduce the cats slowly as you are supposed to do but the damn dog runs all over the place leaping chaos and mom won't control him worth shit she will not leash him in the house to control him and so she can keep her eyes on him crate him or reprimand him. He barks and barks and I feel like making a rubber-band muzzle to shut the fucker UP! What the hell am I supposed to do? I do not want my cats traumatized. This dog is so unruly and hyper and just obnoxious. I am beginning to resent mom for even thinking it was OK to bring a monster like him here and I feel anger twords the dog , and even more at mom.
Last night I showed him his piss spot on my rug and I told him , No, and he just squirmed to get away,he would not even pay attention, and it just made me furious, And than I just started yelling at the dog holding him pointing at the pee because I lost it.I wasn't at my best. I don't want to hurt the dog, but I think I have grown to hate this dog more and more and I don't know how long I can put up with this shit..
When it runs from mom when she takes it out I find myself secretly wishing he's get under the wheels of a car and get killed . I'm so frustrated. Every time during this visit mom and I seem calm seem to be getting along well and enjoying each others company the fucking dog does something bad, it chews what it's not supposed to, it intimidates my cat, or it pisses somewhere. If I crate it myself because mom is oblivious, mom lets the fucker OUT again and sure enough I find another turd because she is not supervising him. When I demand mom crate him she yells at ME!! I'm getting madder and madder I stuff it to keep the peace but I know I am cranky.I feel like exploding.
On top of all this, my mom lectures me about how negative I have been, but she disregards the fact I have tried my hardest to make the holiday decent I put up the decorations, set her room up nice, got the damn dog a crate, made ten batches of xmas cookies,and have tried to be tolerant of her dog.But the stress of that damn dog is ruining everything.
Mom also has demonstrated how she respects my sisters more than me she constantly says shit to me,like," cindy knows how to have fun,(implied I am not any fun)And Cindy is a fucking enabler she's dating a drunk and she bought mom BOOZE and her son(he is legal drinking age) booze for xmas. I hear how Lisa is so considerate,(implying I am not considerate). Yet lisa is so busy..she has not spent any significant time with mom, how fucking considerate. Mom is drinking booze every damn day,.She pulls the mental illness card on me whenever I say something she doesn't like hearing or whenever I show my emotions,and starts asking what meds I am on, I tell her mom my problem is PSTD caused by ABUSE so drugs won't fix it, Do you wish you could drug me until I just say what you wanna hear? Than why are you bringing it up than, I have emotions like everyone else deal with it.. That usually ends her self serving inquiries into my therapy..My sisters might be more fun for her because don't have her goddamn dog to deal with they can see her without the stress and disruptions this fucking untrained dog causes between mom and I.
She leaves the FUCKING DOG here with ME when she goes out to see my sisters and I put it in the crate because I ain't gonna babysit that damn dog,all day and it yaps and whimpers whines because MOM has taught it that if it wines pitiful like it will get out and run around like it does no wrong as it tears up the wicker on my papasan chair. The fucking dog controls her like Pavlov..And mom just doesn't GET IT she is a horrible dog owner.Raising a horror of a dog..
It's obvious to me she does not take that little beast over my sisters house ,she says, it's because it might piss on HER carpet. I have used up half a bottle(the big one) of enzyme spray cleaning up after HER monster.And my bedroom smells like dog piss even though I blotted up as much as I could and soaked the carpet with enzyme last night .And it gets worse with xmas cash I bought two gorgeous lion statues at big lots . They were not expensive and they were resin so they are fragile. Because he fucking dog more like an over sized rat,freaked my cats out by busting in my room to piss on my floor, Vinnie leaped upon my dresser to get away from the barking hyper dog. Vinnie's attempt to get away from the damn dog started a chain of events when I was already mad,discovering the beast just went into my room and mom did not stop him, AGAIN because she was absorbed in her own stuff AGAIN not supervising HER dog,AGAIN. When I discovered the dog had got into my room I was still able to keep a lid on my anger, but discovering and having to daub up warm dog piss as the hyper dog ran all over my room I got really mad.., My cat seeing the door open leaped down to get out of the room ,he banged a ceremonial staff I had leaning on the wall and it fell and hit the lion I HAD BOUGHT no less than two hours ago and cracked it.thirty bucks.Not much chance of replacement..Right than I lost it, I grabbed the dog frantically trying to grab one of the cats toys and showed him the mess I pointed to it,said no, no NO! What I really wanted to do was choke the damn dog.But I know it would not be right.So I yelled at it.Mom gets all hysterical and tries to dramatize me into letting her off the hook for it. Every time she feels guilty she pulls her bullshit It's part of her that I hate.And all it does is piss me off more. I tried very hard to control my anger last night. I was so mad I wanted to kill the dog and smack my mom.But instead I finished cleaning the mess, picked up the pieces of my broken lion (I hope I can repair it) went downstairs and typed I hate dogs into google and found dog hater websites and vented that way. Than I looked up puppy training and found out exactly how bad of a dog keeper mom is.
Mom does not get it that her inability to handle her dog is putting her dog in danger not just from me.Her dog will be hated by everyone unless she quits bullshitting herself and trains the little fucker. I am beginning to lose my temper with the dog more and more. It's not the dog's fault he's an untrained mess it's moms fault and she cannot stand being told she is to blame for her dog being the way he is.BUT SHE IS TO BLAME 100%.
And the sooner that fucking dog is out of here, the better.I hope she DOES give him away to someone who will love him enough to train him correctly.If she sends him to the pound and they kill him it is better he die than stay with mom if she refuses to control him. Sad but true.Untrained dogs are miserable dogs.
I am not the only one who knows this is how it is.. now she is using sending the dog to the pound as a guilt trip to badger me to not express my feelings when I am angry for what the dog does.I don't care it's her dog she'd better control it because I am just about at wits end here.
Her dog is the most yappy, annoying,intrusive, hyper, whiny and dependant of breeds, a fucking hyper rat of a dog,a chihuahua. And I hate chihuahuas in general because of their annoying nervous yappy personality types already.I really don't like small dogs.And I am not very fond of dogs in general,I am a cat person and I would NEVER want a dog, Mikey was a good dog,I trained him well but after the hard work it took to train him I never wanted to do all that again, so Mikey was the only dog I had..I like wolves, I like some breeds for their cat like ways . But little dogs are annoying to me. And a well trained dog can be a decent visitor to my house.But Mom's dog hell no, he ain't EVER coming back here I don't EVER want him here again..
My aunt in Virginia who lives next door to my mom has refused to keep mom's dog while she was here,mom was complaining to me about it , I know why she wouldn't keep moms dog now ,He's a untrained pain in the ass,
an untrained ten month old dog who pisses everywhere he is not supposed to.. mom is the worst dog owner I have ever seen in this family.Sekhmet, Why oh why did she GET him did she want a fashion accessory, does she have old time visions of norman rockwell in her head?That dog will forever be as untrained and snotty as a two year old and unwelcome wherever he goes and a nuisance or did she want a real companion? I 'll tell you this her dog is NOT a companion he is a torment to me and if mom don't clean up her act concerning that dog it will become a torment to everyone else, too..I tell her that and she gets hysterical. Both of them are a pain in the ass.Both mom and her mutt are disrespectful, unruly and obnoxious.Mom has taken over this house she has habits that are intrusive. I have asked her not to do these things yet she will not stop. She is just like her goddamn dog.
For a gist Got this from a dog hate site when I was looking to vent my anger when I had just finished cleaning his piss of my bedroom rug.
It expresses exactly my feelings..
Why do I hate dogs? because the majority of them aren't TRAINED. I am a cat person. Being assaulted by untrained dogs OFFENDS ME. I DON'T LIKE IT, I DON'T think it's cute and I DON'T tolerate it (size isn't the issue)! untrained dogs get a very strong correction if they attempt to jump on me; "offended owners" are NOT MY PROBLEM.
Little dogs are too often permitted too much latitude with respect to basic obedience. There is NO excuse for a dog, regardless the size, to jump on any person. It's that simple. Take a stance. Tell the owner you DON'T LIKE IT, and then tell the dog, "NO! Off!" when it jumps on you. The dogs remember, "NO!, off!" even when their owners don't. "Obedience" ain't about training dogs, it's about their OWNERS.