I have had it with this woman who work at my psychiatrist's office. She never fails to make a bad situation worse. Today I missed my appointment, something I have done many time....probably because this is one doctor that I have to see regularly and have more opportunities to miss and considering I am ADD and confused half the time it makes sense. But I feel bad every time it happens and of course I have to pay for the visit anyway.
The last time I spoke with the doctor I asked him for a prescription for physical therapy for my neck. I am taking pain pills fairly regularly and I hope that therapy can make it so I take less and hopefully do not get addicted to yet one more substance! He said he would put the script at the front desk. So I called and asked the nice bitch if she would send it to me and she said "yes". A few days go by and no script so I call again and ask, (or rather I leave a message because you always get sent to the message machine first) and again....no script in the mail.
So today when Ms. Bitch calls and tells me I missed my appointment I tell her that I need that script and she says to talk to the doctor about it next time I am in there in FEBRUARY! :wtf: I don't even know why I am :wtf: ing because this type of shit happens all the time with her. So I tell her I will make a special emergency call to the doctor if she doesn't take care of this and she says: "And he'll want to know the reason you missed today's appointment" :wtf: has that got to do with a script for physical therapy?
And then she keeps interjecting in the conversation that I have a balance on my bill. Again, :wtf: has that got to do with a script that was supposed to be sent to me weeks ago?
This is not the first time she has given me a hard time. Once I called on a Friday because I was out of a medicine that I NEEDED to take and she informed me that he was not in the office and I would have to wait until Monday to talk to him. I explained that I NEEDED to take that medicine, (to keep me from going manic AND to keep me from going through horrible withdrawls......what I feel is happening right now!) and she just kept saying over and fucking over, "You'll have to wait until next week when you talk to him".
I realize that I mess up a lot but for the love of GOD I am the PATIENT. I am the PAYING customer!
My doctor is a very nice man and very competent. Unfortunately in order for me to speak to him I have to get past the bouncer.
Thanks for letting me rant. I'm going straight over to the pharmacy now to pick up a script for some medication that will hopefully kept my head from exploding. I'll be back shortly.