Hey, I hadn't realized how depressed I was - duh, that's part of my depression - until I had the thought, "I'm not even going to worry about getting on a plane because I don't care if it goes down." Hmmm. And, I didn't care so I wasn't scared and I even slept on the plane for the first time ever.
A lot of activities sort of stand out to me as being minus anxiety lately. In a way, it's a relief because my chemistry has always tended that way.
The other night, I was watching "Frasier" because I didn't care what was on, and it was a rerun about mourning. Each segment was labeled with one of the "stages" that mourning people go through. And it dawned on me, "Wow, I'm really depressed!" And the next thought was, "Cool! That means I'm moving along!"
And, those "stages" that people talk about are as real to me at the moment as a physical staircase. They really are "there" and I really am "moving along" even if day to day, I don't notice much movement. Most of the time lately, it feels like I'm under a slightly warm, thick blanket. Sleepy, unmotivated, blank at times. Last week, posting the ERD was excruciating and it was the shortest thread I've put up. But, somehow, it got done. Same with most things, and most things get done somehow.
Whatever movement is actually happening must owe a lot to a much lower daily stress level. I've had psoriasis on one elbow for about five years. It's nearly invisible for the first time since the onset. I didn't notice it going away but the other day I touched my elbow and was shocked because it was smooth.
There's some lesson here for me about being refined by or, being clarified by, pain. But, it's also about endurance (which is pain or discomfort over time, right?) and trusting that over time, you can continue. Maybe "trust" is the wrong thing. Maybe this kind of endurance is first fueled by a wish -- which is different than faith and different than trust. Wishing doesn't trust or believe or it wouldn't be wishing. That's okay. I'll take it. It may be a small wish but it's mine and seems to be working hard. lol
Maybe I should watch "Frasier" more often.