You got some GUTS there. Thank you.
I was a kid when a pedophile took pictures of me in a porn way long ago.It has messed me up bad emotionally. I have been through 20 or more years of therapy and I still sometimes wake up with nightmares.Complex PSTD and dissociation is a scar that never stops tormenting me it seems.Most of the time I just don't sleep enough.You helped me with the sleep apnea issue and getting used to Cpap.and I still thank you for that even though the UPPP took care of the apnea,I still am left with the traumas...Traumas in part caused by porn and the people who consume it..I was not only photoed as a kid I was harmed as a teen.I was in a few bad relationships.Now I have learned what to avoid and what a healthy relationship looks like thanks to SARC.
Despite your addiction you have demonstrated you are compassionate even though you probably feel lower than whale shit right now. I think you have an addiction and addictions can be overcome once an addict decides they have had enough of it and choose to stop it..
I have a particular hatred of the porn business for alot of reasons besides my own traumas, I know it's all faked, it's all faked to hide pain of being exploited and vulnerable and feeling invisible like a nothing.Alot of girls in this culture are devalued and feel they can only be appreciated if they "put out". So much of our culture degrades women. It angers me.The porn industry sees people as product and so much of our culture is centered around making people into objects that consume objects, it is sickening.Porn industry basically"love bombs"women so they feel like they are not a nothing if they just do the pictures.And the porn industry seeks out women who were abused sexually as kids because abused kids who grow up in sick environments and think that it is how all relationships are lack the boundaries , self esteem and sometimes the self sufficiency to be able to understand why they need to run away from that crap.
Porn is corrosive, and for a person in a picture hiding the real emotions is what the job requires of the actor . A fake to hide what the camera does not see which is her soul being destroyed and her mind being re traumatized for profit& product. Most women I know who feel secure about themselves do not feel this 'desire 'to do exhibitionism and be photographed like an object for total strangers to ogle at or do other things like that like some men and some women like to say draws people to porn as if it is"liberating" there is no liberty in addiction.
Our entire culture is in denial about the hurt porn causes men and women both actors and consumers.The sick people who romanticize porn forget it is a BUSINESS and all businesses have bottom lines and profits to make and they 'cut corners'sometimes.And the corners they cut are not so 'tightly regulated' because it is nearly impossible to regulate porn,because of human trafficking is also a big industry too and pictures of slaves who may be dead, chained in some basement or worse ..often cannot be traced to the person who took them originally.
Photographic film does not have a signature of the photographer.
So when I read your situation and the insight you show here,I felt sad for you and sad for everyone hurt by your addiction too.I was touched that you even felt sad for all the pictures of the human beings you saw there. You did what so many men who are not porn addicts fear, you saw the pictures and you saw human beings there, not just an object or product.. I am sad also because of all the pain this type of addiction has caused you ,me and countless others and I am angry that the porn industry makes so much money off such a dehumanizing 'product' that scars human beings so badly and that the cultural denial is so deeply entrenched culturally and defended.So many males in this culture ,sex addicts or not still defend pornography and strip clubs and such as IF they do not cause harm , objectify people and as if the laws actually did really regulate these creeps making the big money.Some people even fall for the lie that men "need it".And that kind of self deception to me,is just pathological.
All I can say is thank you for having the courage and insight to feel the pain of all this from so many points of view in your own heart, instead of letting your eyes deceive you into another feel-good lie to avoid feeling the pain.
Please stay strong ,stay here in real life, because real love, the kind that is of the soul can only be found in real life,with a real live person you do not treat as disposable . This kind of love it can never be forced or imitated in a picture or fantasy it cannot be sold and it cannot be faked.
I have listened to the pain addicts go through when they hit bottom. Their descriptions are vivid I was told this by a recovering drug addict once, and it stuck with me He said.. Fantasy also can be made into an addiction, another escape . He said the thing about an addictive fantasy it is always a lie and it is always unattainable,insatiable, almost like a dream ghost that you pursue and can never touch,or feel, and to make up for the hollowness of these lies and it consumes you as you lie to yourself when you listen to the addiction and lies can and do harm..real people.
So I am so glad you have seen through your addiction.
Now you can Get help.Have courage.
This does not have to destroy you.You can recover.
There is SA sex addict recovery groups if you need the support.
Here's a link. want to tell you again thank you.Thank you for being so courageous and...honest here.Thank you for giving up denial and looking at this without flinching.I am proud to know you.And sad too.
I wish you recovery and serenity.Insight and courage.