During a convention at Singapore, Bill Gates said "New technology soon to be implanted in the human body, but I will not try this experimentation in myself.."
What a chicken-shit. Gates thinks it's fine for everyone else but he thinks he should be exempt..He's just another too rich and depraved to do anything good,elitist fucker.
What does that have to do with the price of beans?
I was talking to my therapist today,,
She asked me who my supports were in my life. I told her I don't have any, anymore because out here I can't easily meet people.
My mom moved 500 miles away,My sisters are estranged,My ex was kicked out,and my friend is there but he works alot and isn't home alot. I got me, myself and I.And 911, Unless I get out of here and move back to the city.. I asked her why she asked.. She said the "chip " issue as in micro- chipping the population. She asked if I knew about it. I said I did know and the chip can be put in with a laser so you don't feel it too. That it can be made to release viruses or bacterias to make you sick, There is tons of potential for hurting and controlling people with those chips. She agreed with me..and asked this. About the people doing the chipping.. how do you think they'll convince people to accept being chipped? I said I'm not sure ,they've tried the track your children route and it flopped. The Security and ease of reading your health records should you become incapable in an accident angle and that flopped too . They've lied about it..So I told her I dunno know what they'll pull next, I'm sure it will be evil..
She told me the way that these thugs will bribe people to getting chipped is This : If you don't want the chip you will get no access to government services. Zip Nada..As in they'll cut off medical assistance,help with my meds,and my ssi, on the spot.. So,if I refuse to get injected with a goddamn tracking my every move,record keeping, nosy control,and possibly allow them to torture or murder me when they want to.. chip, I will lose my means of survival. She said Bingo.I replied with a blue streak of cussing.
Than I asked her what she would do if the bosses at where she works asks her to chip clients or put haldol or drug implants in them?
She said right away, with no hesitation ,I'd immediately quit and warn the clients.
Damn she's one of the good ones.
I told her about my thoughts as I walked to the store to get my meds refilled, this was hours before the session with her today .As I walked I was imagining walking out of this country.How it would unfold, what I would need to actually do it, and what things I'd take and what I would leave behind. I built in my mind a device to haul my cats safely and fast..I reminded myself where their clean bill of heath vet papers were wondered if I needed to update them..Thought about stuff like that. I think my spirit and my therapist are warning me...
All I can say about all this right now is FUCK. I FUCKING hate, hate,hate HATE psychopaths especially fucking psychopaths in the white house, and thugs of corporate boardrooms I hate the psychopathic two faced evil fundie assholes thirsting to create armageddon..Fucking aristocratic pigs that steal power away from people and occupy the state and make it fascist and sick with "full spectrum domination" games..
I dunno what to say..sometimes I think it's time to start building an "underground railroad" To get the disabled out of here ASAP. A train to Venezuela, and do it before the borders get sealed.(Thanks to Lou Dobbs you stupid piece of shit and the corporate thugs setting up this seal the border bullshit by outsourcing jobs and ooga boga alqueda slips in because of the porous borders bullshit.)
http://www.postchronicle.com/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi?archive=1&num=33144Remember Hitler killed the mental patients, GBLT's,the disabled,retarded and dissidents first.. way before he got around to killing the Jews and gypsies and others.
People like us were the first to die. Because we are the biggest threat to maintaining the domination and authoritarian control that these sick freaks will do ANYTHING to keep once they get in power..
And lately I have been feeling like I got a big target on my head.
Trans-gender, nuts,dissident,mixed race, too damn smart,torture resistant,pissed off,creative,clinging tightly to my inner locus of control, and I can have charisma in groups to turn them against the psychopaths and corrupted leaders(in person). I know these thugs hate people like me.They are scared shit-less of people like me.
So I am saving up what I can, and not in a bank.
http://www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com/Will the elderly and handicapped need the chip for medical services ?
Will this involve a drug delivery system ?
Applied Digital appoints Medical Advisory Board---- Feb. 16, 2005
Drs. Richard Seelig, Howard Weintraub, Sameer Mehta VeriChip Corporation, has formed a Medical Advisory Board to assist in expanding the adoption of VeriChip in the medical community. The Board's initial focus will be to advise the Company on ways to increase the acceptance and expand the marketing of VeriChip to practitioners, hospitals and makers of medical devices, insurance companies and Medicaid/Medicare.
These Nazi pigs will NOT control me again. Because I HATE them..I'll kill myself escaping and helping others get out before they try that shit with me again. I got nothing to lose here ,I hate this fucking evil world. Death is release from hell to me..Not a thing to be feared.Death is kind in a world such as this.
I know most of you don't look at things that way.
But I know I am too control resistant to go "un-chipped" a Friendly fascist is still a morally inferior psychopath pig in my eyes..
So, I might find myself nearly broke and no way to get meds or therapy..in the future,and no social support system either.
I've always had to make due alone.My biological family have not been there reliably.So what's new.As a kid I learned to survive in the woods,what plants to eat how to get water, ect.ect.ect.
If or when it comes down to being 'chipped'Or broke,than might have to be 'broke' and go it alone in my disappearing .As it has always been alone for this cat.At least I won't have the wrong body tormenting me through what may come down the pike.
More on the chip thing.
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5519069http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/07/AR2006080701088.htmlhttp://www.hipaacompliancejournal.com/news/index.htmlhttp://users.cybertime.net/~ajgood/dds.htmlhttp://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-5408223.htmlhttp://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7005820145I Hate these fucking pigs that think this kind of shit is OK to do to people.
You still think I'm talking out my ass?
We are in Deep shit.
Will the elderly and handicapped need the chip for medical services ?
Will this involve a drug delivery system ?
Applied Digital appoints Medical Advisory Board---- Feb. 16, 2005
Drs. Richard Seelig, Howard Weintraub, Sameer Mehta VeriChip Corporation, has formed a Medical Advisory Board to assist in expanding the adoption of VeriChip in the medical community. The Board's initial focus will be to advise the Company on ways to increase the acceptance and expand the marketing of VeriChip to practitioners, hospitals and makers of medical devices, insurance companies and Medicaid/Medicare.
A way to block these tags..